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                        Quote :
Did I change or did you just stop caring about me ?
- don't know


The child mitsuki was indeed odd . The chisaki usually matured quite quickly , the normal chisaki at the age of 15 would have the mentality of an adult . But the child broke the records without even trying and exceeded the expectations of the chisaki . She was exceptionally smart and many members felt as if it were a bad things for her . Maturing too quickly would take away her childhood and she would see everything threw the eyes of an adult which was no fun .

Mitsuki was a very isolated child , she indeed had the personality of a young teen but always felt out of place . She was always busy doing something so playing wasn't in her schedule. The children her age saw her as a prodigy and spoiled brat so they wouldn't let her infuse into their small group of children . Eventually mitsuki stoped trying and isolated herself from the children she was once good friends with .
She was now eleven and in the age of being rebellious . Will this be a good or bad thing for the clan and herself ?

Mitsuki pov

It's been 10 years of me living and I can honestly say I've never done anything that has really interested me or I've actually had fun in .

My schedule every day consists of breakfast , library to see my teacher  , learning , lunch , sword practice , dinner , and sleeping . I repeat this and it hasn't changed since I was 3 . I've been doing the same exact routine . And I do just to please my parents , they say I'll bring honor to the clan  since I'm a prodigy but I'm not happy doing this . The only time I get to myself is when I explore at night and look around our small island but I've memorized everything almost by heart . Is my life going to be like this forever .

I wipe my face as I finish my breakfast which consisted of pancakes and honey . I pick up my plate and wash it like always . My mother is out picking herbs and my dads never home because he's a busy man with many complaints to uphold . I walk over to my room which is plain to the core . I have a small close to with simple clothes and a small vanity beside my bed . In my vanity I keep cool little gadgets I've made when I have extra time and some medical herbs which help me do my home work for medicine class . I'm sometimes instructed by the teacher to make a certain medic one and take it to him so he can inspect it the next day . It's quite a hassle but I have to do it , I've always been obsidians and I guess it's my nature .

I walk over to my closest and take out a plain white long sleeve , and some black shorts . I put them on and also add some high knee high socks which are also white . My parents say that knee high socks are weird but I've always liked them and I have the freedom of choosing my clothes so I wear them often . I head to my vanity and take out a comb . My people usually don't care about their hair too much but I always have . I comb it nicely until all the knots are out and rinse my face with some water making my cheeks a bit red . I put on my shoes and start walking through the forest to the library . Recently I've been having strange dreams .... I remember waking into a strange part of a forest filled with mythical creatures and fireflies above a dreamy pond . I don't really understand why I seem to remember that dream .

As I get their I open the door and you can hear loud creaks through the entire library . I walk over to my usual table and sit down . I grab the medicine book I've been reading and pick up where I left off . It might sound boring but this is a day in my life and its no fun . I hear a creak once again and know it's my teacher miss Saki . She's once of our smartest clans women and my parents wanted her to teach me so here we are . " Morning mitsuki ." A lady with dark chocolate hair and hazel eyes covered slightly by her glasses Mentions . She sits in front of me without hesitation and we begin a lesson.

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