011 » non-date

120 6 0

[percy 🔱, dylan 💄, lj 🌿, reed 📖, ellie 🎤]

percy 🔱
dylan mae silvers!

dylan 💄
guys i'm scared

percy 🔱
why did i have to hear
from sprayberry that
you have a date with
kelsey tonight?

dylan 💄
you know you're not my
legal guardian anymore,
right? and that i'm a 22
year old adult?

percy 🔱
i think we're all entitled
to know when our sister
is going on a date

dylan 💄
okay, calm down
it's not a date
we're friends, that's all

reed 📖
friends who are dating?

ellie 🎤
can i 'not date' my friends?

percy 🔱
elliot olive silvers, you are
not allowed on a date until
you're 25

lj 🌿

percy 🔱

reed 📖
anyway, let's let percy
pretend she's our mom
for a second while dylan
tells us about her non-date

dylan 💄
i'm going to her place
tonight and we'll have
dinner and i hope that
we'll talk about us but
as you all know, i hate
the 'us' talk to we'll see
how that crashes and
burns ✌️

lj 🌿
so pessimistic for such
a young age

dylan 💄
i'm older than you

lj 🌿
by fifteen minutes!

reed 📖
children, children, please.
not the point.
dylan, i'm sure it'll all
work out.
just don't psych yourself
out like you always do.
remember how much
you miss her and want to
be with her and it'll all fall
into place

percy 🔱
wow reed that's really
good advice

reed 📖
i can be wise 💁‍♀️

lj 🌿
you read that in a book,
didn't you?

reed 📖

dylan 💄
either way, thanks reed
okay, now i'm off to get
ready. i'll let you guys
know how it goes tomorrow

lj 🌿
good luck, hun

percy 🔱
and be safe!!

reed 📖
jesus, p

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