019 » sure jan

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dylanmae this boy's lame ass dared to doubt me and got his ass kicked in air hockey

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dylanmae this boy's lame ass dared to doubt me and got his ass kicked in air hockey. i love you even though you suck 💁‍♀️

tagged | dylansprayberry

284k likes | 19k comments

usera lmao he looks amused

userb i seriously love their friendship

userc okay but i need more kellan

roryjemma dammit you guys send me for drinks and i miss sprayberry losing???

userd sure hope those drinks aren't for the underaged dylan

usere userd obviously

bentorrado lol he's such a sore loser

userf i love it when the b-list all hangs out!!

userg ben and sprayberry are those friends that act like they hate each other but actually love each other a lot and i love that

dylansprayberry bentorrado screw off ben, am not!

bentorrado dylansprayberry sure jan

userh okay but does no one find it weird that sprayberry, an 18 year old, is hanging out with a bunch of 21 and 22 year olds??

useri userh stop trying to start shit, they've been friends for a long time

dylansprayberry percy they're being mean to me!! perseus

perseus get better at air hockey then 🤷‍♀️ dylansprayberry

userj why can i see sprayberry calling percy whenever dylan and ben are teasing him?

userk userj because he probably does 😂

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