025 » it was a disaster

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[percy 🔱, dylan 💄, lj 🌿, reed 📖, ellie 🎤]

percy 🔱
so dyl how was your
date with kelsey last night?

ellie 🎤
did you tell her you're in
looooooove? 😏

lj 🌿
guys, don't

percy 🔱

dylan 💄
it was a disaster, okay?

reed 📖
but everything was so great.
it was that article, wasn't it?

dylan 💄
we just still don't work

lj 🌿
that's not true

dylan 💄
maybe i don't want us to

lj 🌿
you're just sabotaging
yourself from something
good because you don't
think it'll work and
you're too scared to let
her close

reed 📖
this is the same problem
as last time, why can't
you open up to her? i'm
sure she'd understand if
you'd explain it

dylan 💄
i realize this is what went
wrong last time but i still
haven't changed

percy 🔱
i'm sorry
we know how much you
like her

dylan 💄
i love her
but i can't get over myself.
even for her

ellie 🎤
you're stupid

percy 🔱
elliot, be nice

ellie 🎤
that's stupid.
i know you have your
commitment problems
and insecurities and you
don't want anyone to see
the real you, but you're
not as good at hiding
yourself as you think
you are
i see you, dylan.
you're scared of opening
yourself up to her just
cause you don't wanna
get rejected
and i'm sorry, but that's
stupid cause she loves
you too, obviously.
she'll take you anyway
she can.
you just have to let her

lj 🌿
wow e
when'd you get so smart?

percy 🔱
i raised that, guys ☺️

reed 📖

lj 🌿
her phone's probably off.
too much honesty

reed 📖
okay, well we'll be here
for you when you come back.
we love you

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