epilogue » feel something

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Kelsey and Dylan have been together for almost a year now, and things couldn't be going better.

The only upsetting thing in Dylan's life right now is that one of her sister's is now at their best.

"Are you sure we should be meddling?" Kelsey asks skeptically from the passenger seat of Dylan's Camaro.

The Silvers nods incredulously, "Of course we should! Reed hasn't been herself lately. I think this party could be good for her."

Kelsey looks at her girlfriend for a moment then says, "Reed hates parties."

Dylan scoffs and says, "But you have hot co-stars."

Kelsey turns back to the road with a light laugh, "Ah, okay. So this isn't just about getting her out of the house; it's about finding her someone. I know how much you like to play matchmaker."

Dylan chuckles, turning into the garage of Reed's apartment building. "I'm hoping we can find her someone who can be a distraction. She could use one."

Kelsey clicks her tongue, running her fingers through her girlfriend's hair. Dylan puts the car in park, looking at the actress who has a loving smile on her face.

"You're sweet to do this for your sister. But I worry she might not see it that way."

"I know," Dylan sighs, a mutual understanding between the two girls. "Just wait here. I'll try and bring her down."

Kelsey nods back, leaning forward to give her a short, sweet kiss. "I love you."

Dylan smiles widely, her heart beating quicker every time she hears those three words. "I love you, too."

She exits the car, sending a wave back to the girl in her passenger seat. Her heels click against the concrete of the garage floor to the elevator. After pushing the floor number, the lift doors close, taking her to Reed's.

The doors open again, revealing the foyer of the apartment. "Hello?" she calls out into a seemingly empty home.

Reed's roommate walks around the corner from the kitchen upon hearing the voice. Her black, curly hair bounces lightly as she walks, a smile on her face to see a Silvers come to rescue her roommate and best friend.

"Hi, Dylan," she greets.

"Hey, Brady. Is she in her room?"

She nods. "Since Tuesday." Dylan winces, walking with Brady to the far bedroom. "She's just a little down right now. She's barely eaten in a couple days. And she doesn't know I called you, so I'm hoping a surprise from a sister will help."

"You're a good friend, Brady," Dylan says, patting the younger girl's shoulder.

"I try," she says, gesturing to the closed door that held Reed captive. Brady gives one last smile, then walks away to leave the sisters alone.

Dylan knocks on the door. She waits for a second and doesn't hear anything. She opens the door and she's that Reed is sleeping at 7PM.

She slams the bedroom door closed, waking the sleeping girl. "Oh, good! You're up," Dylan grins, earning a glare from her younger sister.

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