017 » legitimate question

103 6 1

[percy 🔱, dylan 💄, lj 🌿, reed 📖, ellie 🎤]

lj 🌿
dylan, i'd like your attention

dylan 💄

lj 🌿
how are you and kelsey? 😁😁

reed 📖
yeah we need that info
now please

dylan 💄
we're good, guys
i don't know what to tell you

percy  🔱
how about more details
than that?

ellie 🎤
you guys done it yet?

percy 🔱

ellie 🎤
it's a legitimate question

dylan 💄
yes we have, and it's great

percy 🔱
don't indulge her!!

reed 📖
she's fifteen, and the
internet exists, i'm sure
it's nothing new

percy 🔱
i can't hear this. i'm
practically your mom

dylan 💄
you do realize i've had sex
before you took guardianship
of us, right?

percy 🔱
i need to burn my eyes

lj 🌿
don't give her an
aneurysm, dyl.
moving on, how is the
romantic aspect of the
relationship? have you
guys talked about what
you are?

reed 📖
i noticed she called herself
your gf in her instagram post

dylan 💄
yeah, we've talked about it
we're girlfriends
it's going great :)

lj 🌿
i feel like you're holding
something back.
what's wrong?

reed 📖
damn twin empathy

dylan 💄
okay. so maybe we dated
before, and we're dating
again. but we're in a good
i mean, do i see this as a
long term thing?
do i hope we get past what
split us up last time?
of course.
and do i love her?
oh my god
i love her?
i can't love her!

lj 🌿
what? why not???

reed 📖
you've always loved her, dylan.
why can't you just accept that?

dylan 💄
i don't know!
percy, what do i do?

ellie 🎤
you're really going to percy
for relationship advice?

percy 🔱
okay first of all, don't make
me ground you

ellie 🎤
i'm practically an adult, p

percy 🔱
second, tell her you love
her. you never communicated
before and that's what never
worked with you two.
just talk to her, dylan

dylan 💄
yeah i can do that

lj 🌿
you can't, can you?

dylan 💄
just gonna ignore it

reed 📖
wow you're sad

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