021 » growing up

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[percy 🔱, dylan 💄, lj 🌿, reed 📖, ellie 🎤]

lj 🌿
dylan's going away for
the weekend

dylan 💄
i told you that in confidence!!

lj 🌿
oh shut up. like you weren't
gonna post your trip all
over instagram

percy 🔱
what, is it a work thing?

reed 📖
lol work
she films her videos in her
bedroom and never leaves
her apartment unless the
b-list or logan drag her out

dylan 💄
ok ow
and no, it's not a work thing.
i'm going away for the
weekend with kelsey

reed 📖
woah really?

percy 🔱
that's a huge step, sweetie.
you're sure?

dylan 💄
yeah, it's just a weekend.
i'm not moving in
with her
we're leaving tomorrow night
and we'll be back sunday.
it's just new york

percy 🔱
okay, have fun

dylan 💄
thank you

lj 🌿
hmm, i expected you to
be more upset, p.
you're growing up

percy 🔱
what? she's not ellie

ellie 🎤
what's that mean?

percy 🔱
you're the baby.
i wouldn't let you go away
for the weekend

ellie 🎤
LET me??

percy 🔱
god i hate having a teenager

reed 📖
lol you know she's not
really yours, right?

percy 🔱
really? she acts just like i
did when i was her age

dylan 💄
percy jackson and the
struggles of parenthood

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