024 » meant to be

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The article has been setting alarms off in Dylan's head since it came across her Twitter feed two hours ago. She has to pull herself together because she has a date with Kelsey tonight.

She's thinking about cancelling, but she knows Kelsey most likely saw the article. And that, paired with a cancellation would cause her to worry.

That night, seated across from each other as they eat their Chinese food, Kelsey realizes something is off about her girlfriend tonight.

"Are you alright?" Kelsey prompts. Dylan nods with a smile but it doesn't quite ease Kelsey. "It was the article. I knew it, it freaked you out, didn't it?"

Dylan reaches across the table and quickly says, "I'm fine. Really." Kelsey doesn't believe it, but she can tell her girlfriend doesn't want to talk about it.

They eat a little more, and suddenly the silence gets too much and Kelsey is in needing of any kind of conversation.

"So we don't talk much about your work. Are you still enjoying the YouTube tutorial business?" Kelsey asks, leaning in and resting her chin on the palm on her hand.

Dylan shifts awkwardly, almost invisible to the naked eye, but Kelsey catches this. "It's great. I stick to my own schedule and I have sponsors paying for almost all my makeup, which is amazing. Um, a lot of people seem to like the videos, so yeah, it's--it's still good."

"So you're happy?"

Dylan purses her lips ever so slightly, "Yeah, of course." The brunette simply hums in response, playing her fingers along the rim of her glass. "What?" Dylan asks, hoping the edge in her tone isn't as hearable as she thinks.

"You haven't changed," Kelsey says, a small smile on her lips as she shakes her head lightly.

Dylan blinks, taken aback by the statement. "What do you mean?"

"You're still, I don't know, closed off," she responds, leaning her elbow on the table. "Not wanting to let anyone in."

She's almost uncomfortable with the fact Kelsey can see that so well, and she tries to hold back any reaction. "Excuse me?"

Kelsey reaches her hand out to Dylan's, running her finger down the length of the make-up artist's hand. "I know you, Dyl, you don't seem happy."

Something snaps. It's like Dylan is angry with herself for being so transparent, or letting someone close enough to see how she really feels without having to say anything. 

"You don't know me. You haven't for almost three years. So please don't pretend to," she snaps, pulling her hand away and using the napkin in her lap to dab at the corners of her lips. Dylan feels the sudden need to be away from this conversation.

Kelsey realizes her mistake and tries to amend it before she scares the girl off again. "I'm sorry, Dyl, I didn't mean to--"

"You know what, I need to go. I promised Reed I'd take her to this old bookstore she's been wanting to go to, so if you'll excuse me," she says quickly before realizing how unbelievable that is given it's 9 o'clock at night.

Dylan throws down the napkin in her hand anyway, grabs her purse and heads straight for the door, ignoring Kelsey's pleads to stay.

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