Don't Pray For Me

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*Ben's mum's name is gonna be Charlotte.*

"Robert! Do you know where Ben's at!?" Charlotte yelled in panic. He was in no hurry at all to get upstairs so he just slowly walked. "No sweetheart, why?" He walked into Ben's bedroom and walked over to her. "Well he's not here!!" She sat on Ben's bed and started to quietly sob, his father had an evil grin on his face. Robert pointed to Danny's phone which my lying on the dresser. "Well they left their phones. They might've ran away, I think I seen a piece of paper on the night stand by our bed also." Charlotte got up and ran downstairs to their room, over to the dresser and picked up the note opening it.


Danny and I ran away. We left our phones so you guys couldn't track us, I'm sorry but I had to take your money. Your purse is in that bush behind the house, if we get caught I'm taking the blame because it was my plan. Dad hit me a few times and that's why I left. -Ben.

Ben's mum went back upstairs and held up the note, looking at her husband. "Can you explain this?" She threw the note at him. Robert picked it up and opened it. He looked up at her when he was done, "I can explain..."

"Then explain Robert! Go right ahead!!" She yelled. "Calm down!" Charlotte glared at him and walked over to him, slapping him hard. "Why the hell were you hitting Ben!! Was it because of his sexuality!? I was a lesbian before I met you, but you didn't have a problem with it because you found it "sexy" when two girls made out!" Robert looked at her in pure shock. "I'll pack my shit and leave then." He rubbed his cheek and went downstairs. While he was downstairs Ben's mum pulled out her phone out a dialled 911.

911: 911, what's your emergency?

Charlotte: My son, he's gone! I need a search warrant!

911: Ma'am we'll try our best. Was anyone with him?

Charlotte: Yes. His boyfriend, Danny Worsnop.

911: Alright Ma'am. We'll contact his parents and friends.

Charlotte hung up and started sobbing again.

Danny's mums P.O.V~

Sarah was in the shower but heard a very faint knock at the door. She got out and wrapped a towl around herself, going downstairs and opening the front door to see a cop standing there. "Ma'am." She let him in and shut the door. "Yes?" She told him to take a seat and sat beside him. "Your son, Danny, has a boyfriend that he's been staying with?" Sarah slowly nodded. "Well he seems to be missing, he left his phone at Ben's and we suspect that he may have ran away." The cop seen that her eye's got glossy and she started to sob. "He can't be that far, we'll find them."


Vics eyes were red and puffy from crying so much. He walked to the back of the math room and sat down, covering his face. "Sweetheart, are you okay?" Asked a soft voice. Vic looked up to see Kellin. "Yeah..." Kellin gave him a sympathetic look, "Wanna talk about bedore class starts? We have a while." He wiped his eyes, "Yeah." Kellin rested his hand on Vics. "So whats up hun?"

"Have you noticed that Danny and Ben are gone?" Kellin raised an eyebrow and looked around. "Now that you've said something about it I do." He had a curious look on his face. "Well the cops came to my house this morning and told me their gone...they haven't told any of the other guys because his mum told them I was the closest to him." Kellin bit his lip and looked straight into Vic's eyes, "What do mean their gone?" Vic sighed. "They think they might have ran away, we have no way to contact them because they left their phones at Ben's house." Kellin looked down at his paper staying silent and holding back tears. "Kellin?" He looked up at him as tears started to fall. "Baby please don't cry... they're fine, I promise." Kellin hugged him tightly and hid his face in the crook of Vic's neck. "Text the guys and tell them to meet us in the bathrooms after first block..." Kellin whispered and turned his attention to the teacher when he walked in. Vic did as he was told and also turned his attention to the teacher.

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