Chapter Eight

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Coming back home from dinner all the roommates go their separate ways. Elton heading to the garage, Corey in the living room and Aaron in the kitchen. Sam grabs my arm though before I can go anywhere.

"Can we talk?"

"Yeah about what?" I asks. He pulls me into a separate room and looks at me.

"What's going on?"

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"You've been acting weird latley. I understand we are put under pressure and stuff right now but what's up with the roommates?" He asks. I close my eyes and sigh looking back at Sam.

"I just want to spend time with you....alone I guess. We always hang out with the roommates. They always know everything about our relationship.

I want things to be a secret sometimes. Our dates, what we do, they don't need to know everything. They also don't need to go out with us everyday.

Like I cant even remember the last time you and I went out to do anything with each other, without the roommates being there too."

"So your jealous?"

"I guess that's a way to put it...." I say looking down. Sam grabs my arms and looks at me.

"I promise the moment I get out of the hospital and I get better you and I will have a date. We can do anything we want to without the roommates.

And we'll start having our own personal secrets and jokes. It bothers me too sometimes."

"I think.....this.... is better." I say pointing to the both of us.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, us talking. I understand sometimes when we fight we need space but talking about things. Figuring out before something happens.....I like it."

"I do too." Sam says. He looks at me and then his smile fades.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm nervous.....about doesn't feel normal. Going in and going through directions and procedures.

Being awake now and then being awake for a little bit tomorrow and then they put me under..... then the next thing I'll know is losing my leg.

I don't know how to process all this. I don't know what I'll look like. What if people make fun of me? Or I look funny?" Sam says as he starts to freak out. I quickly put my hand on his shoulder and look him in the eye.

"Sam I know okay? It's different, it's scary and we defiantly didn't think it would happen to us but listen, tomorrow I will be in that waiting room and I won't leave.

I will be waiting for you to come out of surgery and the moment I hear you are in a room and that you are okay I will be there for you.

I will be by your side no matter what, okay? I know I've been acting different latley but I'm just scared but I promise you something, no one will make fun of you and you will look great.

You will look great even if you lost hair or if you have marks on your skin or if you lost a eye. You Are beautiful okay? And if anyone dares to make fun of you I'll tell them to stop because they don't know you for your real and true self." I say to Sam.


"Yes really. Everything I said is 100% true. Don't ever doubt that."

"I love you Colby. A lot."

"I love you too Sam. So much." I say hugging Sam, "now come on. Its late and you need rest for tomorrow." I say leading Sam towards the bedroom so we can both be prepared for tomorrow.

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