Ayame (OHSHC)

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Ouran High School Host Club


Hi there! My name is Ayame Goto. I just recently transferred to Ouran Academy with my twin brother Akio and a scholarship student from a different school.

Life at home though, is a battle. I am under constant abuse by my Father and Mother who both despise me. In their eyes I am not worthy of bearing the Goto name, I am imperfect; no better than a parasite. I guess they need glasses, cause every one I meet tells me otherwise; according to Akio and Mary that is.

All fifteen years of my life I have been locked away inside a small box. I have smiled when I was supposed to, greeted when told to and stayed silent when I know not to talk, all the while I screamed inside begging to be let out. Because the life as a perfect doll is no life at all, and no amount of beatings could convince me other wise.

One warm spring day though I got my wish. Someone ripped the lock off my box, they steadily inched the door open, and there I was slowly seeping out for the world to see.
It all started that day when I walked into the Host Club, and they proceeded to walk into my heart forever....

Ayame (OHSHC)Where stories live. Discover now