The Drummer's Sister: Chapter I

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*This story is copyrighted* - therefore if you take it is considered stealing and you could it into big trouble with me! I'll hunt you down, so moral of the story is, don't fucking steal. Okay, k good.

I came up with this story on my own and all by myself, so please don't steal it or use my ideas. I worked really hard on it. If I can come up with a decent story I'm sure so can you :) x


"Elle, get your arse down here! The car is waiting for us already! Hurry!" Josh yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I hollered back down to my brother. We were headed to the airport. My parents left me with Josh to stay the summer because they thought I needed an 'attitude adjustment and staying with Josh for the summer would be good for me.' Bullshit.

Don't get me wrong, I love my brother and he is extremely talented but spending my whole summer with him is not exactly what I imagined. Josh is an amazing drummer, if I do say so myself. He is the drummer for this band called One Direction. I've heard of them before but not really my kind of music I guess. Well anyway, they're going on tour in America, which means Josh has to go... which means I have to go as well. I didn't give a damn, I was gonna make the best out of this summer.

"Elle Devine, if you don't get down here in a matter of damn seconds, I will go up there and grab you myself!" Josh hollered up the stairs yet again. I swear that guy had a mouth on him.

As I glided down the stairs with my luggage I said, "Will you relax, I'm here alright. Besides its only 8 and the plane doesn't even leave until noon!"

"Shut up," he said teasingly, "let's go squirt." He messed up my hair and stuck his tongue out at me. Me and my brother have a close relationship. He's been there for me through a lot and I know he really cares for me.

"You do know that I am eighteen years old right?" He looked at me questioningly. "Which means you will eventually have to stop calling me squirt!" I chuckled. We grabbed our luggage and went out the front door to the taxi.

"Morning," the driver said. And without waiting for a response he grabbed our things and shoved them oh-so gently into the back of the car.  

Josh and I both piled in. Shortly after, we were on our way to the airport. We sat in silence for a while until I finally spoke up.

"Hey Josh, why did mum and dad make you babysit me all summer?" I asked in all seriousness. I was genuinely curious. I mean I wasn't a screw up but, I guess you could say I've been around the block once or twice when it came to sex and alcohol. But I didn't think my parents knew about it. The only person who really knew about the real me was Josh. He knew that I wasn't an angel like our mum and dad thought, but he still loved me. He knew that I smoked a few times and got drunk and woke up in beds that weren't mine more times than I'd like to count but he was there for me. Josh would always let me crash at his flat when I wasn't sober enough to find my own flat. Which always made me love and trust him even more than I already did.

He looked up at me. "Elle," he paused, "mum and dad are getting a divorce." I looked at him with a confused look. "They didn't want you to be around while they were settling things in the divorce so they asked me to take you to America with me."

"Oh, okay," I said with a great lack of disappointment in my voice. I really couldn't bother to give two shits about their marital status. Damn, I sound like such a bitch, but in all honestly my parents were never really there for me. Beside the whole feeding and clothing and shelter stuff. But emotionally they weren't ever there for me, that's probably why I turned this way. An eighteen year old party girl.

"Okay?" he quizzed. "That's it? I thought you'd be crushed or something girly like that..."

"Why should I?" I retorted. "They never seemed to be happy together and why should it affect me. It's not like I live at home anymore. And I wasn't even close with mum and dad like you were," I said. "They always liked you better anyways..." I muttered under my breath, suddenly hoping that he didn't hear me.

"Well... Yeah, I guess that's one way to look at it..." he said confused. He seemed more fazed by the situation than I did. Hell, I was already over it. It was summer and even though I would be stuck on a tour bus all summer. It would be a our bus traveling through America nonetheless and a tour bus filled with hot lads ... well and my brother but he doesn't count.

Just so everyone knows, this is in fact a One Direction fanfic. Sorry it has a slow beginning but hopefully will pick up within the next chapter :) which will hopefully be up by the end of today. Don't worry 1D will come into the story soon. Comment, vote, tell me what you think. Whether you hate it, love it, any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Please read my other Harry fan fic One Night in Ibiza, I'll be updating soon. :)

And thank youuu to @1DPlainAndSimple for being an amzing friend and making me an alternate  cover for this story! Thanks babe, looove you :)



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