The Drummer's Sister: Chapter IV

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I was awaken by the sun streaming in through the crack provided by the unclosed curtains. I looked to my left to see my brother splayed oh so attractively over the bed next to mine. Thank Jesus the room we got had two separate beds. No way in fuck was I gonna share a bed with my big brother. Just too damn weird.

The concert last night was honestly amazing. I had a blast. As much as I hated to admit it, it only took one concert to turn me into a, I guess the fans call themselves 'Directioners,' yeah that's it, a Directioner. I, Elle Devine, am slowly turning into a massive Directioner. I chuckled to myself at the thought. Well, I guess it was bound to happen eventually, my brother was One Direction's drummer.

As I lay down on the bed I decided to check my phone to see if anything interesting happened whilst I slept. Last thing I remember was it was already 3am and I was still texting Harry. We had been casually flirting all night, even at the concert. He probably sent me a message but must have fallen asleep. I must admit, I was developing a slight crush on the Harry Styles. But to be honest, it seemed as if he felt the same way which made me giddy like a school girl.

I grabbed my mobile from the bedside table between mine and Josh's beds. Before I could even unlock it, it buzzed and Niall's name flashed onto the screen. I sat upright on the bed with my back leaning against the headboard as I read his message:

Morning love! Hope you had fun last night at the concert :) Join me and the lads for breakfast? Bring Josh! 10ish? xx

ps. Hazza will be there ;)

Niall Horan, you cheeky bastard.

It was already a quarter til ten so I figured I should reply to Nialler and get ready... and wake up the beast, otherwise known as Josh Devine in the morning.

I replied to Niall:

You guys were fantastic! We'll meet in the lobby :) and if Haz is there, I guess I should look extra sexy then ;) ...kidding babe x

That should shut Niall up for a bit. Now time to wake the beast. I grabbed the feather filled pillow that was sat comfortably next to me and hurled it with all my power to the seemingly lifeless body next to me. As it landed on Josh's head, I heard a thud and a grunting noise. He instantly lifted his head up and shot daggers at me.

"The fuck was that?!" Josh exclaimed looking completely dumbfounded. I ignored it as my mobile buzzed again. From Nialler of course:

Extra sexy, you say? You're pretty sexy as it is love ;) do us all a favor and show up in your bra and panties haha x -Nialler

This boy really was A CHEEKY BASTARD. I grinned like a complete goober.

I turned to Josh who had gotten even more comfortable on his bed with the pillow I tossed to him placed atop his head. "Get up," I said, "we're meeting the boys for breakfast at ten." He removed the pillow from his head and looked to the clock and groaned as I got up from my comfortable position on the bed and headed to the en suite with my phone and a decent outfit to change into. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Just after I wiped my mouth clean, my mobile buzzed again. What did Niall want now? I looked to the screen. It wasn't my dear Nialler but instead it was Hazza. I slid my finger over the glass to unlock the message:

Morning gorgeous, can't wait to see you ;) Xx -Haz

I rarely ever got butterflies when it came to guys, but Harry just had that power over me. As I got ready I played the One Direction playlist on my iPhone. I did a girly dance in front of the mirror for myself as I got changed into my plain black tank top and denim trousers with rips all over. I threw my long wavy dark brown hair into a messy plait to one side. Then I did a thin layer of powder and two quick sweeps of mascara. Simple enough. I danced to Stole My Heart for a bit longer before I walked out into the room to find Josh looking agitated.

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