The Drummer's Sister: Chapter VII

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It had been three days since Hazza and me shared our first kiss, two days since the concert in Oakland, and one day since the concert in a town called San Jose. Today we were on the road down to Los Angeles. Much to my surprise and disappointment, Harry hadn’t asked me to be his girlfriend yet. To be quite honest, I was a bit taken aback. We both knew we liked each other and we acted as if we were already dating, so what in the bloody hell was taking him so long?! I just hoped he’d eventually man up and ask me soon. I am not exactly the patient type.

While on our drive down to Los Angeles, management agreed to let the lads have a day off. So Liam proposed that we have ourselves a fun day trip to Magic Mountain. I’ve heard that it’s an amusement park here in California. I love roller coasters, so I was pumped. And of course all six of us plus Josh agreed to it.

“Louuuu!” I hollered to the front of the bus from the bathroom where I was.

“Yes, m’lady,” he responded in his overly exaggerated English accent.

“How much longer until we arrive?” I asked as I exited the toilet, dressed in only a towel. After quickly consulting with Jim, our bus driver, he came back to me with the answer of 20 minutes. That gave me twenty minutes to dress. “Thanks babe!” I said to Louis.

I made my way to my bunk which had my luggage on it. I grabbed a skin tight floral print tube top that came to just below my belly button and faded pink denim cut offs. Before I went to the loo to change I noticed all the lads at the back of the bus playing video games. “Aren’t you guys gonna get dressed?” I asked.

“We already are, babe,” Liam said as he looked up at me. All the lads nodded in agreement not even looking up from the telly. I looked to what they were wearing. They were all wearing lazy t-shirts and shorts. How these lads managed to dress themselves everyday was a mystery to me. They looked so dorky, yet still attractive. I guess if you have the looks of these boys, you’d look good in a fucking paper bag.

“And besides, Elle,” Zayn said as he looked to me, “isn’t it you, who should be getting dressed?” He looked me up and down and gave a cheeky wink. Bloody hell. I was still only wearing a single towel around my torso and arse. The rest of the boys looked up and gave me a few wolf whistles. My cheeks went completely red.

“Shut up, Zayn!” I yelped. “And besides, don’t even act like you guys don’t wanna know what underneath the towel…” and with that I left to go change. I heard a few more whistles and Niall whisper something to Harry.

“You better ask her soon, or else I will…” Niall teased. I heard him yelp in pain, I assumed Harry had punched him or something. That’s right, I had them all after me. I was such a tease.

I dressed myself and tied my long wavy hair into a topknot bun on my head. Just a swipe of waterproof mascara and I was ready. By the time I was finished, the bus had come to a stop. I came out of the loo to be greeted by a kiss from Harry. He grabbed my hand, “Ready?” I smiled and kissed his cheek tenderly.

Hazza and I along with Zayn, Lou, Liam, and Nialler got off the bus to see Josh and a few others from the band. “Morning, big brudder,” I said to Josh like a complete dork. He stuck his tongue out at me. Real mature Josh, and of course I stuck mine outright back at him.

”C’mon! Let’s goooo!! I wanna ride the roller coasters,” I whined. I grabbed Harry’s hand and quickly headed to the entrance. Harry then grabbed Louis’s, who then grabbed Zayn’s, and well you get the picture.

Luckily for us, park management closed down most of the park so we wouldn’t be bombarded by fans. So basically we had the whole park to ourselves. “Alright lads… and Elle, let’s go!” Niall hollered to us. He started sprinting to the nearest roller coaster followed by Josh and the lads and myself. Today was gonna be fun.

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