The Drummer's Sister: Chapter XII

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Elle's POV

I unclocked the door to my flat and dragged my luggage in. It was bloody awful being home again. I miss my boyfriend. Cliché. I know. I shut the door behind me and threw my body lazily onto the sofa in the sitting room, making a massive thud. First thing I did of course was call Harry. Because I am that much of an idiot, I forgot about the time zones. So when I called him, he was sleeping... But we spoke, along with the other lads as well. I missed them all so much. They had me tearing up at just the sound of their voices. Ugh. Life fucking sucks, I thought to myself. 

I got up off the sofa and decided to make something for myself to eat. I opened the fridge, no food. I opened the pantry, no food. Bloody hell. I was gonna starve to death. I dragged my limp and tired body to the nearby kitchen stool and sat atop it. I slumped over the kitchen counter. What in the hell was I supposed to do for the next three weeks? Just as I continued my pessimistic thoughts, I heard my mobile ring. The familiar tune of Paradise, filled the air. I couldn't help but do a little dance to the ring tone. It was a number I didn't recognize, but I was bored so answered anyway. "Hellooo?" I quizzed.

"Is this Elle?" an unfamiliar female voice asked. 

"It is indeed babe. Who is this?" I returned with a question as well. 

"Oh good! Liam gave me the right number then! Ah sorry, love, I'm Danielle," she spoke with enthusiasm. The name sounded extremely familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. But she knew Liam so she must be normal. She must have sensed my weariness because she spoke up and said, "Liam's girlfriend." Ahhh, that's who she was. 

"Oh!" I said as if I just instantly experienced an epiphany. "Danielle Peazer, that's right. Liam has said so much about you! I hope you don't mind, I messed with him a bit once we first met..." I said awkwardly. I wasn't exactly sure why added that. I'm quite awkward when speaking with other girls. "But not like that!" I said instantly regretting my choice of words, I hope she didn't think I had sex with him. Oh God, this was not a good start.

"Babe, relax! Liam told me you are with Hazza and that you tease all the boys fairly often. I don't mind one bit. I just wish I was as cheeky as you were!" she said sweetly. Danielle seemed like such a sweet girl, no wonder Liam loved her. 

Soon enough, we were talking just about everything. It was almost as if we had known each other for years. She said that since Harry and I were now a couple that whenever he was gone I could always entrust her with my issues. I think I loved this girl, she really was just lovely. 

"Dani, you are literally the sweetest thing," I said in complete honesty.

"Aww, babe, shut up. You're a 1D girlfriend now! We gotta stick together. How about next week we go get some coffee! I'd love to actually meet you in person," she chuckled. I agreed in a heartbeat. "Eleanor is gonna come too if that's alright. She really wants to meet you!" I agreed to that as well of course. After saying goodbye, I hung up the phone and migrated to my bedroom. I plopped my tired body onto the mattress. It was already 7 o'clock at night. Danielle and I had been on the phone for over 4 hours. Wow, we were such girls. Now it was time for me to pass the fuck out...   

Just as my eyes closed completely, I heard Paradise ring once more. "Shit," I mumbled. I lazily walked into the kitchen and answered my mobile. "Hullooo..." I said sleepily.

"Elle!" I heard Louis holler, along with the other lads in the background.

"Louis, we spoke less than five hours ago. What could be so damn important that you needed to wake me up?" I asked.

"Babe, uh, it's only like seven at night over there? Why are you sleeping already?" he asked as he chuckled. 

"I am bloody exhausted," I mumbled. "So what do you want Boobear?"

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