The Drummer's Sister: Chapter X

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“Harry…” I began to say as Hazza and I leisurely walked hand in hand to the bus after the show. “That was really amazing. I still can’t believe you made me cry in front of all those people!” I said. He just smirked at me and kissed my head. “Really baby, thank you,” I smiled sincerely at my boyfriend. “I love you so much,” I said truthfully. I really did. He looked deep into my eyes. I almost melted right there. I had never felt this way about a guy before. Let alone a fit, flirty, and famous one like Hazza. Just the mention of his name made me smile. I loved him that much.

“I love you more, I promise,” he said sweetly. Harry took my face in his hands and kissed me passionately as we stood outside the bus. We stood there with our foreheads leaning on one another’s for awhile, simply just looking into each others eyes. I couldn’t help but smile and kiss him just once more. I heard a chorus of ‘awwhhs’ coming from inside the bus. The lads. I pulled away from Hazza and giggled. We both looked at the open windows to see four smiling faces staring down at us. We chuckled at them all. 

“And apparently, I’m not the only one, baby,” he said referring to his band mates. “C’mon, let’s get inside. We’ve got a long trip to Texas.” And with that he lifted me up off the ground and carried my bridal style into the bus. I had to admit, I really fancied this gentle romantic side of Hazza. It was positively adorable. I kissed his cheek tenderly as we entered the bus.

While I sat on the sofa in the front of the bus, I decided to check twitter. The lads were all asleep and we still had a ways to go before we arrived at the venue in Texas. I still couldn’t believe that after a two full days of driving the boys were being thrown into a show right away. These lads worked so hard at their jobs sometimes, I swear.

I took my mobile from the table nearby and opened twitter. I had an overwhelming amount of mentions. Most of them were hate of course. I got a lot of “You’re such a slut! Harry only likes you because you’re easy!!” and “You’re not even pretty, you’re just a whore!” and “Stop fucking Hazza already! Skank!!” It didn’t bother me much because I know Im not a whore or a slut, I just like to have fun an honestly Harry didn’t seem to mind. I started typing a tweet: 

HellYeahElle: Sorry I can’t hear you haters over Harry screaming my name. I’ll be sure I get back to you once he’s done fucking me.

I reread it. That was too mean and a bit slutty to be honest. I erased it and checked more mentions. One stood out. 

AnnaBeeLoves1D: Stop hating on @HellYeahElle. She is the nicest person in the world. She isn’t a slut and Harry loves her! He said so on stage!! And why wouldn’t he? She’s gorgeous, so shut up haters!!

It was AnnaBelle! The girl I met in Oakland. Aww, she was defending me. This girl was the sweetest thing, I just love her to pieces. I retweeted the shit out of that tweet and sent her a private thank you. 

Before I knew it, someone had come to sit on the couch with me. “Hey love,” he said with a sweet smile on his face.

“Hey Liam,” I replied as I cuddled into him. “You don’t think I’m a slut do you?” I asked rather sheepishly. He looked at me strangely before answering.

“Well, of course not babe. I think you’re adorable and sweet and Hazza really fancies you. More than any girl before,” I smiled at his tenderness. Liam always knew how to make me smile. “But you are rather cheeky…” he smirked.

“But you lads just can’t seem to resist me, can you?” I asked cheekily. He grinned at me smugly. And soon enough he tackled me and began tickling me. “Ahhh!” I shrieked. “Liam! That tickles!!” I couldn’t control my laughter. 

“I told you I can’t resist!” he teased. Before I knew it, Louis, Zayn, and Niall had woken up and had found their way to the sofa. Harry must’ve still been sleeping. That boy could sleep through a fucking snowstorm.

“Help!!” I shrieked. They just stared at one another deviously, before all attacking me at once. Okay now I was dying. 

“Nope!” Louis hollered as he too continued tickling my stomach.

“AHHHH!!! You guys! Are you trying to kill me??” I managed to utter out between the giggles and the gasps for air. I was flailing around like a dead fish trying to escape the lads. I looked fucking stupid that’s for sure.

“Alright boys, I think she’s had enough,” Niall said as he laughed at me.

I managed to catch my breath and control my giggles once the boys had finished. “You boys, I swear…” I pretended to look pissed. It wasn’t working very well. “I hate you all…” I attempted once more. They weren’t having any of it.

“No you loooove us!” Zayn said as he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. I kissed his cheek. 

“I know…” I said giving into the lads. They all piled onto me and gave me a big hug. 

“We love you too baby girl,” Niall said sweetly. I really loved these lads. 

“C’mon photo time,” I said like a complete dork. They all gathered on the sofa next to and behind me so I could take the photo with my iPhone. “Smiiiiiile,” I said. I took the picture and looked at it. Of course none of them smiled. They all made stupid faces. Zayn with his tongue out, Louis pointing to the camera, Liam crossing his eyes, and Niall over exaggerating his grin. And then there was me, right in the middle smiling. All cute and shit. I just had to put it on twitter. I began typing my tweet as the lads started toying with my hair and messing around. My tweet:

My favorite lads in the whole world :) xx @Real_Liam_Payne, @NiallOfficial, @Louis_Tomlinson, and @zaynmalik

Less than an instant later, I heard the boys yell, “D’AWWWWW!” And once again I was attacked with hugs. 

Harry’s POV

I was awoken by the sound of my mobile buzzing. I began to sit up to read it when I hit my head on the top of my bunk. “Shit!” I cursed under my breath. I forgot that I was in a tour bus. I slid my finger on the glass to open the message. It was from Paul:

We are stopping in 5 minutes to get gasoline. We need to talk.

Eh, I wonder what we needed to talk about? As I got out of my bunk, I was surprised my a kiss. “Morning baby,” she said once she had kissed me. Oh, it was my beautiful girlfriend. Elle stood there in front of me smiling. She really had an adorable smile. 

“Good morning baby girl,” I said as I enveloped her in a massive embrace as I gave her forehead a gentle kiss. “Is everyone awake already?” I quizzed.

“Yes, they are,” she said. “And in fact, they managed to kill me this morning with tickles. Which you managed to sleep through entirely!” I chuckled at the thought of my mates tickling my girlfriend. What a sight that would have been.

“Where are they now?” I asked. 

“They went to get some coffee at the shoppe down the road,” Elle replied. I looked out the window to see a gas station. I needed to talk with Paul. Shit.

“Love, I gotta go talk with Paul. I’ll be right back,” I said as I placed a tender kiss to her cheek and left the bus. 

I walked over to the bus parked directly behind ours to see Paul and Josh talking. They seemed to be deep in conversation. Josh didn’t look very thrilled. “Hello…” I said sheepishly as I neared the two of them. 

“Tell him Paul,” Josh said spat. He really looked pissed now that I saw him up close. “I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to hear…” he said sarcastically I’m assuming.

Paul looked to me sheepishly. “Harry,” he began, “it’s about Elle…”

I started to get a tad worried. Josh was pissed, Paul looked upset, and my girlfriend’s name had been brought into the mix. What the fuck was going on? “Yeah?” I questioned.

“I just got finished speaking with management back in London and they are less than pleased with what you did on stage the other night…” he started, “for Elle. They also aren’t happy with the fact that quite a few fans don’t like her, and they believe she is ruining your image…” I stood confused. What did this have to do with anything. Elle knew that some fans didn’t like her, but neither of us gave two shits about it. And she wasn’t ruining my ‘image,’ whatever the fuck that was supposed to mean. They must have sensed my complete confusion from my lack of speaking.

“So basically, Paul is saying that Elle has to go back to London,” Josh concluded. He was really heated. I could tell he didn’t want her to go. 

“Wait what?” I quizzed. “She’s not leaving,” I demanded, “she can’t. She is supposed to stay with us on tour!” I shouted. Now I was getting heated as well and what I was spitting out wasn’t making much sense.

“Harry, I know you love her and she is your girlfriend, but it’s not your decision, or mine for that matter, to make,” he said calmly trying to soothe my temper. I was livid. “Trust me, I tried working it out. Bloody hell, I was fighting for you. Elle is brilliant and I love her like a daughter, so of course I want her to stay with us. But she just can’t… the decision has already been made.” I slumped down onto the ground, Josh doing the same right next to me.

“Does she know?” I asked quietly. Paul shook his head no. “I’ll tell her,” I volunteered. Josh looked to me thankfully.

“When does she have to leave?” I asked once more. Hoping that the answer wasn’t today.

“Tonight,” Paul answered. He too looked defeated. I just knew that things were not gonna be the same without her. Granted, there were only three weeks left of the tour, but I just knew things would be different.


I was literally like crying... things'll get better soon :) hope you like it. Comment, vote, fan, tell me what you think. I'd love to know. 

Read One Night in Ibiza, would youuu? All my love, plus more x


The Drummer's SisterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora