/2 - New Beginnings/

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"Every story has an end, but in life, every end is just a new beginning..."

"Alright, everyone ready?" Marcus asked his family.

"Yeah, everything is all packed babe, let's hit the road," Yvonne spoke for everyone.

Marcus and Yvonne were ready to hit the road. Marcus at first wanted to sell his home, but decided not to just in case the move to Kansas didn't work out like he planned. So he let a close relative move in rent-free so she could get on her feet. As the Payne family loaded into the car, Promise looked out the window. Dana and Bryshaun waved at her with sad looks on their faces. Promise waved back at them while fighting back tears. Marcus started up the car and the family headed off to Kansas.


"Wake up kids, we're here," Yvonne said to her four children.

Promise couldn't believe it. They were really gone from Los Angeles and arrived in Wichita, Kansas after what seemed like forever. Wichita looked entirely different from Los Angeles. This was nothing like what she was used to. Wichita didn't have any beaches, palm trees, and to top it off, it was very cold. Even though it was February, she was used to the nice weather Los Angeles had to offer. Promise leaned her head against her seat as the sounds of 'Square Biz' played in the car. The first stop they made was to the Towne East Mall to buy some coats.

"We haven't been here for a full day and I already don't like it here," Promise said to her brother Marquise as they walked in the mall.

"Who are you telling? This is nothing like home," he said in agreement.

"Mommy, where are we?" Avonna asked.

"We're in Wichita, honey," Yvonne replied.

"What Wichita, mommy? Are we gon' go home to Angeles?"

"Baby, we are home. We may go back and visit one day, but we are here to stay."

"Ma-ma, canny!" Da'Shawn pointed to a candy store.

"Y'all want some candy?" Marcus asked the kids.

"Yay, candy!" Avonna jumped up and down in joy.

"Come on baby, let's get some candy, that'll make you feel better," Marcus said to Promise.

"Okay, daddy."

Promise could go for some candy right about now. Maybe that would cheer her up. She thought about Dana and Bryshaun and what they were doing. She missed them already. She hoped that the two kept their promise and called her everyday.

The family left the mall with coats, candy, and a few outfits for the children. The next stop was to Marcus's cousin Veronica's townhome. Veronica greeted the family once they walked in.

(Veronica Payne)

(Veronica Payne)

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