Chapter Nine: Maze Runner

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Me and Natsuki arrived outside a mega mall that wasn't exactly easy to explain the size of it.

However I was only there so I could get some clothes. Apparently the NWG thought I died as well and they took all of my clothes to discard evidence of me ever even existing.

However Natsuki kept a set of clothes for me in the laundry room. She wouldn't explain why though.

"Okay so I'm just gonna go in this store and grab some clothes." I said while looking at Natsuki.

Natsuki however, was too busy looking at a nearby pretzel shop.

"Natsuki.... Natsuki!" I said while snapping my finger.

"Gah uh what...?" Natsuki said surprised.

"What are you looking at?" I said.

"What...what are those?" Natsuki said while pointing at the shop.

"Those are pretzels, you can dip them in cheese and they're pretty good." I said.

"Can...can I get one?" She asked.

"Erm...sure." I said.

Me and Natsuki walked over to the small pretzel shop and Natsuki ordered some pretzel bites things.

She dipped the pretzel in cheese and plopped a pretzel bite into her mouth.

"They taste weird...but they're good." Natsuki said.

"Yeah, hey be careful. Pretzels are pretty messy when you eat them with cheese, especially when your standing."

"I'm being careful..." Natsuki said while squinting at me.

She dipped a pretzel bite into the cheese and put it near her mouth. Cheese dripped off of the pretzel and landed on her shirt.

"That's what I was talking about." I said while giggling a little.

"B-Be quite..." Natsuki said.

I grabbed a napkin and began to whipe Natsuki's shirt. I noticed that Natsuki stiffened up really bad.

"Are you okay?" I said.

"Y-Yeah...I've never had someone touch me there before..." Natsuki said.

That's when I noticed it. The cheese landed on Natsuki's shirt, right where her chest was.

"O-Oh sorry..." I said while nervously laughing.

"It''s okay..." Natsuki said.

I walked over to a trash can and threw away the napkin. I looked back at Natsuki to see that there was still a yellow spot on her shirt.

I took off my blue flannel and handed it to Natsuki.

"Here, wear this that way people don't see that stain." I said.

Natsuki slowly put my flannel on and began to button it. She eventually finished and I grabbed her hand.

Me and Natsuki walked into a small store that was in the mall. I bought some normal clothes for myself, such as some T-shirts, shorts, some pants, and some jackets.

"Guys wear some weird clothes." Natsuki said while we were standing in line.

"Yeah, I try to wear normal clothes mostly." I said.

"What's this?" Natsuki said while holding a small package.

I looked closely at the package and took it from Natsuki.

"That's something that you don't want to know about for a couple of years." I said while placing the package on a shelf that was higher than Natsuki.

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