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Dear diary,

Hi. it has been so long. During this time I made so many things that I'm proud of. I'll start by the beginning.

So, me and matt eventually got to kiss. but unfortunately it was just that. Seems that he was "too young" and "was not ready". shame on him. 

My teacher, miss green, was sent home due to a depression caused by me. the school counseling called me and they tried to send me to a place where they brainwash kid's mind. No thank you. Eventually my parents found out, so they made me go. On the way, and beacuse i was seating right behing the bus driver, i was able to reach to his neck and break it. it was so much fun, hihihi.

So i used the experience that i had in driving and stopped to drop all of the stupid kids out of that fucking stupid ass bus. After that, i decided to go to texas. (i live in florida for everyone that doesn't know. 

It was so much fun. I met this man who tried to rape me but i cut his penis with a chainsaw. good thing no one was around becuase he screamed like a little girl. when i got out of there i stole his wallet. 

Any-who, i got so hungry that i could find a deer and eat it alive. So i did it! only i killed it first, 'cause i dont like when my meals move. it was the most alive I've ever felt. 

when i was heading home, i stopped at a diner and ate the most horrible hot dog in my entire life. When i was looking at the tv, i noticed that my face was right there. 

— Hey douche bag — i screamed — Turn the tv up would ya — so he did.  

The fucking bitch from the news said something like this:

— This little girl got lost right out of the city of orlando. Her parents are super worried, but say that evethough their daughter can take care of herself, she might be a risk to the society.


Then a man on the booth in front of mine turned around and looked at me. 

— What the fuck do you want? — i said. he then got up and started running towards. but before he could do that i put my foot in front of him and he trip. then i grabbed the knife i had in my table and stabbed his neck 3 times. i noticed the diner's employee was picking up the phone to call the police. then i threw my knife at him and got to him right between the eyes. i'm better than i thought. So i got up, took a last bite of my horrible hot dog (because there are people starving to death and i dont like deaths caused by natural causes) and i left.

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