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Dear diary,

What's up dude? haven't talked to you in a while. Just wanted you to know what's been going on in my life. 

So i got arrested because a woman was found dead in my bedroom. Can you believe it? With so many murders caused by me I get blamed for the one I didn't do. Bullshit. 

So of course i HAD to figure out what tipa bitch would fuck me up like this. Firstly i thought of bitchy Amber, but then i reminded i killed her with a boutcher knife, haha. 

Then i started thinking about everyone i've hurt. 

.... it wasn't that many people, who would have the nerve to hurt such an angelic being like me?

so then i started thinking and thinking and thinking and petting my dead cat's hair that i keep in a drawer... AND IT ALL MADE SENSE! THAT LITTLE BITCH.

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