Chapter 19

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Ford quickly enters Sookie's house silently thanking her for not locking the door. He puts Jessica down on a chair in the living room.

"Let me through," Ford said and Eric moved not before grabbing Sookie to give Ford some space while Godric stayed near.

He kneels on the couch and lifts Amber's head. He bits his wrist and pushes it to Amber's lips, "Come on, you need to drink," he said.

Ford watches her drink but he could tell it wasn't not working, at this rate her body will reject my organs.

Ford looks up at Godric, "How old are you?!"

"Over 2,000." Godric said.

"Then please give her some of your blood before her organs fail," Ford said.

Godric didn't hesitate from biting his wrist, Ford removed his to allow Godric to place his bleeding wrist close to Amber's mouth.

Tears fell down Sookie's cheek and Eric tighten his hold on Sookie.

Ford relaxed when Amber calmed down in his arms and felt the pain disappear. He glanced at Jessica who was sitting up with a confuse face as she touched her head.

Amber pulls away from Godric's wrist and Ford checks her organs by touching her belly and chest to make sure there was no swelling.

"They seem to be working. How are you feeling?" Ford asked.

"Peachy and were you nice to your sister?" Amber asked.

Ford shoulders slumps and smiles, "That's what you worry about when you were close to dying,"

"Of course, I'll worry about you two first than myself and I know you wouldn't let me die," Amber said.

Ford nods and Jessica throws herself onto Amber along with Sookie who escaped Eric's hold.

They hold on to Amber crying. Amber hugs them both repeating that she is alright now and to calm down.

Amber looks at Godric, "Thank you for sharing your blood with me," Amber said.

Godric shook his head, "It's no problem but tell me why do you need to consume vampire blood?" Godric asked.

"Yeah, because it looks like you depend on it and it's not because of an addiction," Eric said.

Amber pats Sookie's and Jessica's back as she said, "Part of it is for my Thalassemia blood disease that I inhered from my mother. I was born with the major condition of that disease called alpha-thalassemia there was low hopes that I would have been born alive. However, for some miracle I was born alive but my heart started to fail and I was not going to survive because there wasn't the technology in the hospital to treat me in Egypt. So, my mother pray to the gods to save me and the one who answer was Anubis. He made a deal with my mother that her life and me to have some of his blood to remove majority of the disease. I still needed to have checkup and test to make sure I was doing okay. Which had to be kept secret from my father otherwise he wouldn't have allowed me to joins the Marines even less to be deported to another country. Where I got hurt or better said shoot and stabbed causing internal bleeding and organ failure. I was once again close to death because I needed blood due to the large amount I lost and needed a lung, liver, kidney and an a large intestine transplant. Sadly, there was no time to check if there was a human that was compatible with me. So, Ford offer to give me those organs that the doctors didn't think it would work since he is a vampire. But there was no time so he took a risk and I spent about eight months in the hospital to get each organ transplanted and wait still Ford regenerate before he could give others. Due to the organs being vampires I need to ingest vampire to prevent my body from rejecting them. I take pill of Ford's blood to keep the organs working but its starting not be enough as the years past. Since Ford is not that old makes it harder for the organs to function with the small amount of blood I take."

Amber glanced at Godric, Eric, Sookie and Jessica who lifted their heads from Amber's chest.

Amber then quickly added before they could say anything else.

"Please don't ask me how they are working because I don't know and I refuse being probed by doctors to find out why."

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