i am not alek's clone | jonathan plisetsky's backstory

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because it's alek and johnny's 18th birthday so here u go ;w;

also i figured johnny's backstory wud be interesting to write so


Yekaterinburg, Russia
Year 2028

"Now, remember, your name is Sebastian." said the woman. "You hear me? Sebastian Belorusov."

"I know that's my name," The young boy questioned, "But why did those kids call me 'Alek' when they saw me? This isn't the first time, too. Everywhere I go, there will be people who act as if they know me, as if my name was 'Alek'. Who's he?"

"I knew I never should have let you gone outside," the woman sighed. "This 'Alek' they're talking about, it might just be a doppelganger. A famous one, perhaps."

"Whoever that Alek boy is, I want to see him." The six-year-old insisted. "I need to know more about my doppelganger. See if he really does look like me."

The woman shook her head. "I can't risk that."

He frowned. "But why? How is it risky? I don't see the danger in seeing who he is. Besides, you know I can handle myself well. Mama—"

"No," His mother snapped. "I'm not letting you. I have my reasons."

Sebastian was about to protest, but decided it would save more time not to. He sighed. "Okay, how about we just watch some movies on the television?"

The older woman's lips had switched from a straight line to a loving smile in an instant. "Alright."

She grabbed the remote to turn the television on without being aware of the boy's intentions (which is to see if the famous 'Alek' was there). She then handed the device to him, letting him switch to another channel.

Showcasing at the moment was a Hollywood movie; Sebastian caught sight of a young woman with ash-brown hair. And she looked an awful lot familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had last seen her.

"Mama," he asked, "Who is this lady?"

He swore he saw his mother tense at the sight of the woman on TV. Her jaw clenched. "She's... just some American actress. No one important. Not to us, at least."

Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows. He was still convinced the lady on the screen looked familiar; like he has seen her before. Not just on TV, but in personal. Or maybe in a forgotten dream. "What's her name?"

"I told you, it's not important." Mrs. Belorusova grabbed the remote. "Let's switch to another channel."

But the next channel displayed yet another face familiar to the boy's memory. It showed the Winter Olympics—skating along the ice was a blonde, slender-framed guy in his 20s.

"Oooh, he's Russian!" Sebastian pointed. "And his name is Yuri Plisets—"

"I think that is enough TV for today," His mother switched the television off at once.

"But we've only had it on for like ten seconds—"

"Go to your training room."

"I've already trained enough! Have you seen me beat that wrestler to a pulp yesterday? I'm already really strong for my age—"

"You are, but it's not enough." she said sternly. "Go on, now. You need all the time to train before we travel to Germany."

The boy glanced down at the floor miserably as he began to set off for the training room. "If you say so, Mama..."

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