mirror | mitsuki, christine

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present day; april

the room was bright, yet there were no windows. how can you expect windows when you're in the underworld? mitsuki tried to pull on the restraints on her wrist, but it only caused her pain.

four months. it's been four months ever since she was taken to this place. sure, she was treated not as a prisoner, but as a normal person, or at least, whatever they think is normal. mitsuki grew restless over the past months, worrying about the things her mirror self did.

mitsuki scoffed. calling christine a mirror was an understatement. she knows the truth, christine herself admitted it. after years of making herself believe that christine was another personality she had, and with the truth suddenly being revealed when she was captured, it was as if her world came crashing.

the door opened, and christine entered. her demeanor, her aura, it was much different than their previous encounters on earth. it's been four months of seeing christine like this, yet mitsuki still can't get used to it. christine was obviously more polite, kinder, sympathetic, even, the complete opposite of what mitsuki knew her as. the complete opposite of manipulative, evil, and hostile.

flashback; january

"i'm basically powerless here." christine looked at mitsuki, her eyes filled with sincerity. "but all of what you saw back then, it was an act. i had to act so that you can listen to me, so that i can be what he expects me to be."

mitsuki couldn't help but glare. her gaze alone was enough for christine to know that she demanded an explanation for anything.

"don't interrupt me, this is long.

"i've always been a part of you, but not in that way. you believe that i was another person inside you, right? that's not completely false. i'm pretty sure you know the story, you're smart enough to figure it out. your father, your siblings, they're not fully human. a fallen angel and demon hybrid, that's what you have. i'm that part of you that managed to get out when you killed your grandfather. there still is some remnants of you not being human that i couldn't take with me.

"once i managed to get out, i made sure to go to my grandfather, technically, yours as well. all of what i did, believe me when i tell you that i never agreed with his ideals. however, i'm powerless against him. i know my actions are inexcusable, but i hope you understand." christine explained.

mitsuki was silent for a moment, allowing the information to sink in. a minute passed, and she snapped. "and you think i'm going to believe you? you made me do things to my own family, you hurt the people i care about, and now you're pretending to be me? what kind of bullshit is that?!"

"i'm not allowed to lie here." christine calmly said, showing her a necklace, clearly filled with some sort of dark red liquid, possibly blood. "i'm not allowed to manipulate, i'm basically just a doll to him. look, i'll keep this short, my grandfather, he... he wants to kill your father and your younger brother in order to get their supernatural side, using us as his main tools. i'm supposed to deceive everyone in your world into thinking that i'm you, and with you acting as a hostage, in a way."

"mizuya? why him, mirai's older than us." mitsuki questioned, believing christine's words. there was something in christine's red eyes that made her believe. something that she didn't see back then.

"males inherits more of the characteristics of the fallen angel-demon, that's why he wants them." christine answered in a low voice. "which is why i want you to help me. i know we didn't see each other eye to eye back then, but now, i can say that i'm a good person. what do you say?"

mitsuki didn't hesitate. "i'd do anything for my family."

present day; april

"you're here early. wait, before anything else, can you untie these ropes? some kid barged in and restrained me." mitsuki looked at christine sheepishly. the other sighed, complying.

"probably aciel again, he's always messing around with people. i'll reprimand him later." christine said, examining the injury mitsuki had. she grabbed a first aid kit and worked on the injury. "nothing much happened, i think mirai's starting to be more suspicious."

"that's my older sister for you." mitsuki winced in pain, christine muttering an apology. "i can tell something's bothering you."

christine froze. "o-oh fuck, yeah, you got me. the plan... the plan is faulty. with the war going on, and all."

mitsuki stayed silent, recalling the things that had happened. "called i—"

"that's not all." christine cuts her off, staring into her eyes intently. "this isn't just a war involving humans. with the leaders of the world focusing on the war, being vulnerable to others, my grandfather and his army are planning to take over. hell's going to literally break loose. if this happens, it might be the end of the world..."

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