01|The Child In The Cage

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In the story of 'Omelas' a child is locked in a cage under a city for the people of the city to live joyful lives that are filled with happiness, in the minds whom have caged him was one for the many, thus many didn't have the knowledge of the child in the cage. In this case the Ark has done that. They locked a child in a cell from human contact away from the knowledge of the people in the sky. The Chancellor had seen something no one ever seen, he didn't want any change to be in the Ark so he sent the child away. In his mind the child still looked human, he didn't have the heart to have it floated so he kept it far from human contact.

"I am the child in the cage." She told herself aloud as she stared at the book across from her. The book, 'Omelas', was given to her by a guard as a cruel joke when she was 7, although at the time she had no knowledge of the English language that was written so she couldn't even understand the title. She could speak English, yes, from what she heard in a six mile radius around her. Of course there were certain words she couldn't understand so when she spoke her words came out with an odd accent one she wasn't sure she should have.

"Adhaya." Her name was called making her turn towards the metal door that was now open. It was a woman, the woman whom came to see her every two days.

"Abby."Adhaya greeted with a short nod looking at her. Abigail Griffin was one of the Chancellors loyal that would help out to take care of Abhaya since when she was 8 so for those eight years she has been hidden away until the Chancellor couldn't help but get attached to her. The Chancellor didn't speak to her but he has watched her grow up and try to do things herself so soon enough he started to have Abigail Griffin to help take care of her. The SkyBox has gotten larger and larger over the years so he had to move her to a special cell called Unit B09.

"Remember the stories of the Earth?" Abby asked with a sweet smile, Adhaya nods slowly scrunching up her eyebrows looking past her making her stand up quickly as her heart rate sped up.

"What is going on?" Adhaya asked fear swelling up, they were going to send 100 prisoners to Earth am I one of the 100?, she thought to herself. For the past month she could hear the Chancellor talk about sending prisoners to the ground because of the lack of oxygen in the Ark but she didn't think they would go through with it.

"Just remember what I told you about Earth." Was all Abby said as she walked away and two guards walked in with a metal box, Adhaya backed away slowly not wanting to be near them, especially that Commander Shumway was there.

"Come here, puppy." Shumway said harshly as he grasped Adhaya's upper arm tightly making her growl at him as the other guard grabbed a metal cuff placing it on her wrist making her hiss.

"Abigail packed this for you." The second guard said placing the body cross bag over her head and Shumway placed a book into the bag before darkness came over her vision.


Soon enough Adhaya's vision got back to her as her eyes fluttered and she looked around seeing humans making her heart speed up in a quick pass. She has never been around this much humans, in fact, she never heard this much heart beats in the same area before, and she didn't like it. "I'm Octavia." A voice said making Adhaya jump scared as she quickly turned her head towards the voice seeing a beautiful brunette with light eyes. She tried to move her arms but couldn't see in that they were strapped against the metal chairs that she has been sitting on.

"Prisoners of the Ark." A voice sounded around the room, or was it something else? Abhaya looked around surprised seeing a face on a wall. "You are given a second chance." It said, the Chancellor, Adhaya looked at the wall with curiosity tilting her head to the side.

A laugh was heard making Adhaya snap her head to the sound and seeing the pretty girl- Octavia -laughing making her confused. "Never seen a screen before?" She said making Abhaya's eyebrows raise turning her head back to the 'screen'.

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