the concert pt2

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the real reason why i left is because i need some time to gather myself. i don't think i can perform that song alone.

"marcus, we can end the concert now if you can't do it." marte says. i just shake my head. i want to sing it. i have to do it for martinus.

i promised. and i'm not the type who breaks a promise. i take my microphone from the floor where i dropped it. then i drink some more water and return back to the stage.

"are you ready to hear together?" i say when i get back. everyone starts screaming. i point at carl-viktor and he starts playing his guitar.

i'm just about to start singing when suddenly everyone starts screaming and take out their phones. I look behind me and see what they're screaming about.

a video of martinus has appeared on the big screen. it's him in the hospital, wearing his hospital clothes and sitting in his bed.

"hey everyone." he starts and cracks a smile. "if you see this video, it means that i'm not there anymore. it means that i'm gone. it's kinda making me scared and anxious to even think about that. but i have to face the truth. i'm sick, the chances of me being cured are small. but that's not what i'm here to talk about. i'm here to say goodbye to you, our fans. you have been incredible. we wouldn't have gotten this far without you guys. thank you for everything." he says and takes a small break to think. "and you marcus, i couldn't be more proud of you. standing there in front of all those people, alone. i know how hard it must be for you. but don't worry, i'm there for you, even if i'm not there with you. you are the best twin i could ever have asked for." he ends and smiles. i feel a tear rolling down my cheek but i quickly wipe it off.

the video doesn't end there. martinus is about to start saying something when i appear on the background. i must have come from the cafeteria or something. i sit next to my brother.

"whatcha doing man?" i ask and point at the camera.

"just vlogging." martinus answers and i nod. i take a bun from the plate i'm carrying and give it to martinus and start eating an another one myself.

"thanks marcus, you're the best." martinus says and laughs a bit.

"you too, love you bro." i say and give him a fist bump.

"love you too man." martinus answers. we end the video together with a funny face. the screen goes black and everyone starts screaming again.

i had no idea that that video was martinus' surprise for this concert. he knew he was going to die. he didn't tell me. i turn back around to look at the audience.

letters for my twin // marcus & martinus Where stories live. Discover now