its time (revised)

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Almost a month has passed for the both of them and they were just about over each other but then they see something that reminds them of the love they had for each other

Adeelah p.o.v

I was getting ready for ben's birthday by placing the balloons away from me so I could finish my makeup. The lipstick was the final piece and it was similar to the red rose sitting in the vase right next to me. I put the lipstick down trying not to cry. I take the flower out of the vase and exam it.

"The rose Gil gave me for my first date. Glad I found you before the rose wilted was what he said."

The thorns were cut and the flower still looked healthy especially since it's been a while since our first date. I tie the rose to one of the balloons and opened the window. I let the balloon out, but I can't make myself let go of the string for some reason.

"Let go."

I tried to convince myself to let it go but I wouldn't. Before I could think I simply let go and I broke. I thought I was over him, but seeing that rose fly farther and farther away from me hurt a little.

"It's too late I already let it go."

I finish getting ready and grab the rest of the balloons to go and set things up.

Gil p.o.v

I was doing some laundry to help my dad out when something fell out of my jacket. It was an ivory letter with an orange A on it.


It was a love letter she gave to me when we were still together. I couldn't decide on whether or not I should read it and in the end, I decided to read it again. I brace myself knowing I was gonna get hurt.

'Dear Gil

I really like you. I'm writing it in a letter because it's difficult for me to explain in person. I really like how you accepted me for me and not some princess whose brother is the king. It's fun sneaking out and hanging with you cause I felt comfortable, felt like in those moments we understood each other and knew we wanted this love to last. I enjoyed experiencing new things with you and have all these exciting and daring adventures that I would have never done with anyone else. These small moments will mean everything so thank you for them and thank you for trying your best to be the perfect boyfriend, you don't always have to put me first and you certainly don't have to impress me. I love you and I hope that we can still have a few more adventures with each other.

My stomach turned and it was making me sick. I was starting to miss her and I really wanted her at my side right now but I knew that wasn't possible. I went outside and took a lighter. I burned the letter leaving the ashes to be blown away in the wind. I was done with her and have no more hope or love for her,

A Gil love storyWhere stories live. Discover now