sweet fate (revised)

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I was putting on my gym clothes and I walked out with my class onto the field. The field was pretty big but because of that, we have t share them between 2 classes since it was either 1 big one or 2 small ones. I was doing our stretches when I saw the second class come out. I knew some of the people in that class so I was really happy to see them until I saw someone I didn't. The class came closer and as usual, our classes had to greet each other. I looked over out of the corner of my eye and saw Gil glancing at me. I guess we were both thinking the same thing.

"Alright guys today we will be playing soccer, we will break into teams based randomly."
We all get a random number and we are divided by evens and odds. I don't know whether I wanted to be on the same team as Gil or not but in the end, I wasn't. We avoided each other but whenever it was needed we faced off as fairly as we could though I could tell he was letting a little bit of anger out on me.

"Alright, guys, game over."
We stopped our game and both classes made their way back to the school.

"Good game Gil."
Some people seemed to remember him and continued being friends with him.

One of my friends walked up to me.

"Oh hey."
"Isn't he that bad boy you use to head over heels with?"
"Yea but that was a while ago."

"You should get back together with him."
"You know I couldn't do that to Lyric."
"I like the bad boy, bad boys show their colors."
"What's that supposed to mean."

"I don't trust lyric, there something off about him."She walked away before I talk more about it. In the end, I dropped it and I learned that destiny and fate are cruel people. 

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