Imagine #1

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Blind dates were hell. You never really liked them but it was the only way you could actually meet a decent man. You were wearing your favorite red dress and black heels after your horrific date with a narcissist. As you were walking from the bar you could feel eyes on you. As you turn around you see 2 men walking far behind but keeping an I on you. You decide to take out your phone and call your closest guy friend and crush since you were in the area.

Bucky: hey (y/n) how was the blind date?
You: it was horrible the guy is a total narcissist. I left to go to the bathroom and slipped out the window but I got another problem.
Bucky: (y/n) I told you to stop getting shit faced.
You: it's not that. These 2 guys are following and I'm in your area so is there a way that..
Bucky: I'm on my way. Give me your location. Actually never mind I will just track your phone.
You: wait you track my phone?
Bucky: yes i track you. You are my favorite person in the world (y/n). I wouldn't be able to live if I lost you.
You: aww Buck.
Bucky: but next time let the guy walk you home.
You: why should I? He will probably want to get in my pants when I get home.
Bucky: because that guy is gonna be me and I won't get in your pants unless you wanted me to. Look I really really really really really like you. Okay.
You: wait wait wait. What are you saying?

Bucky: I'm saying if any other guy is to hurt you or come near you ever again I'm going to kill them cause I'm in love with you.

You turn around and see Bucky smiling behind you holding out in hand. His hair was half down half up with his bangs forming his face. You smile back and hug him instead. He gladly hugs you back breathing in the sweet citrus smell of your perfume and enjoying the feel of how your body fits his. You look up at Buck and kiss his cheek seeing his smile widen and his eyes soften even more to them got hard. You look in his direction and still see the guys staring at you.

You: Buck.
Bucky: yeah I know doll. Look we are gonna walk in their direction and if they try anything you walk into that little store right there okay.
You: and what are you going to do?
Bucky: teach them some manners.
You: Bucky please don't get in trouble.

He just smiles his gorgeous smile at you and kisses you throwing you off guard. He breaks the kiss and leans his forehead against yours.

Bucky: I won't.

He places his arm around your shoulders and urges you to start walking as you are still trying to comprehend what just happened. As you walk by the 2 guys Bucky gave them a stare down causing them to look down and walk away. You turn your head back watching the guys scury away and then back to Bucky. He looks at you and smiles making your stomach do flips.

Bucky: so I haven't eaten yet. You?
You: No. I left before the waitress could even ask us what we wanted to eat.
Bucky: *chuckles* well I know this place that serves the best Chinese food ever.
You: oh Chinese sounds wonderful.
Bucky: Good. Shall we my lady.

He stands in front of you and holds out his hand. You laugh and take his hand in yours feeling the warmth you have longed for since the day you 2 met.

You: yes we shall.

You both walk hand in hand smiling on your way to have a great first date.

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