imagine #5 (part 3)

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A/N: FUUUUUUUCK! LOOK AT THIS MAN!!!! *fangirls* Okay done fangirling....what was I doing again?
Bucky: finishing up the story.
A/N: oh yeeah
Bucky: if your head wasn't attached to your body you would probably loose it.
A/N: you ain't wrong love.
Bucky: geez just sit down and let me handle the story alright. Go to sleep. Now that she is gone and finally sleeping I will be picking up where she left off. And hello itsarielleduhh25 hope you are having a wonderful day.

You felt a hand on your shoulder gently shaking you awake with a sweet voice echoing in your ears.

Bucky: (y/n) wake up.
You: mmm Bucky...where are we?
Bucky: at the hotel come on. Steve and I already took the stuff up you are the last luggage to carry.
You: ...okay.
Bucky: come on.

You hold your arms up and Bucky chuckles as he sits on the edge of the seat with his back towards you and wraps your arms around his neck grabbing hold of your thighs and pulling you gently towards him so he could stand up and not bump your head in the car. You feel his cold metal arm holding your leg as he walked with you on his back faintly hearing whispers from ladies walking by. You were a bit embarrassing to be honest but being able to sort of hug Bucky without anyone really judging was a plus for you. You start to fall back to sleep on his back when you hear Steve's quiet voice beside you.

Steve: she still passed out?
Bucky: yeah. We should just let her rest up after today. Her body is probably exhausted after what happened.
Steve: yeah I know. If it weren't for you though she probably would be hospitalized right now. Thank you.
Bucky: you know she is like a sister to me Steve. I would die for the girl.
Steve: I know but if you were to date her I wouldn't say a thing or get all brother like cause I know she has someone to care for her. I trust you with her.

You show a little smile hiding your face listening in on their talk and thinking of how to tell Bucky the truth about how you feel. You hear a door open and feel the cold a.c. hit you. Making you shiver.

Bucky: hey it's to cold for her.
Steve: got it.

You here the clicking of a button as your body lays on a soft cushion and your head resting on a cloud. You positively thought you were in a dream or you all died some how. You slowly open your eyes to see sunlight shining through the curtains of the balcony doors. You feel a hand on you leg rubbing a finger left and right.

Bucky: hey princess. You alright?
You: .....i think so?

You sit up and wince as you body was still aching from earlier today.

Steve: hey something is up with this a.c. unit so I'm gonna go down stairs and talk to someone alright.
Bucky: alright.

Steve closes the door and left you two in an awkward silence. Bucky stared out the window as you stared at your dangling feet trying to think of a way to break the silence.

You: Bucky.
Bucky: hmm.
You: ...can we talk about earlier? When you told me how you felt.
Bucky: ....why what's up.
You: ....I... I like you too.
Bucky: don't toy with my emotions (y/n). I may be strong but somethings hurt.
You: I would never do that to you. I really like you. I have liked you since we first met.
Bucky: wait..really?
You: yeah. When Steve's sister adopted me she would tell me all about him. But then she would talk about you and I could tell she really cared for you which I think caused me to like the idea of you. But then when I met you...
Bucky: the dream became a reality and you found out I wasn't all dreamy but an assassin that killed hundreds.
You: No. My feelings doubled.
Bucky: (y/n).
You: Bucky I really do like you. I may even love you but...

You were cut off with Bucky smashing his lips with yours sending shivers through your body. This must have been a dream but it felt so real. You guys both started to move you lips in sync as Bucky fought for dominance. Your breaths started to get heavier with the excitement going through your body. His hands and your hands running through each other's hair not wanting to break apart for air but it all ended when you both heard the knob to the door jiggle. Bucky moved to the other side of the room grabbing a magazine and tossing me my book bag. I grab my journal and pen out of my bag right as the door opened.

Steve: alright they said they will fix it. (Y/N) your hair is a mess.
You: Oh I went outside for a bit and the wind sort of just messed with it.
Steve: Well come here I will fix it.
You: oh Steve it's fine.
Steve: I know my sister would always fix your hair when you guys went on this trip. Please. At least try to keep a piece of tradition.
You: ...wasnt it you that would get your hair done.
Bucky: *laughs*
Steve: NO I'm pretty sure it was you.
You: *chuckles* Alright little miss princess come on over.

You grab the brush and colored hair spray as Steve sits in front of you.

Bucky: I'm uh I'm gonna go for a smoke.
Steve: alright. Only one cig Buck. you already had 4 today.
Bucky: I will be fine mom.

Bucky grabs his pack of cigarettes and walks out the door but stops just for a few seconds to stare at you. The seconds felt like a life time. He smiles and closes the door as you get back to playing with Steve's hair.

Bucky Barnes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now