imagine #12 (part 2)

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You: I'm so sorry Jess.

Your manager stares daggers at you as you plead your case for the 100th time about being late.

Jess: (y/n) I'm tired of having to call you all the time to remind you that you have a damn job.
You: I know I know but I really need it. I'm almost done with my online schooling and can be full time and you will have my full attendance I swear.
Jess: you keep saying that and I keep falling for it. No.
You: Jess please. My family disowned me and all I have is my beat up apartment. You guys are all I have left to keep me on my two feet.

Okay so maybe the beat up apartment was a lie but everything else was true. Family kicked me out cause I wouldn't go into the family business of hero work. Now, I'm a college student working at Starbucks and secretly stealing artifacts as a hobby.

Jess: ....Fine. but the next time your late it's the last straw.
You: thank you so much Jess. I owe you that straw.

Walking out of the back office you tie your apron on; with your name tag on it, and throw on your cap with a smile on your face. Only to be greeted by a not so happy customer. His hair was pulled into a pony tail with a beat up old cap on and a sweatshirt with captain America's symbol on it. His baggy grey sweatpants fit his style with his run downed sneakers. The only thing that stood out were his piercing eyes.

You: Good Afternoon sir! How can I help you today?
Guy: .....can I just have a cup of dark coffee.
You: uh okay. Venti, Grande, Tall.
Guy: A small.
You: .......oooookaaaaaay. One small dark coffee? Name?
Guy: Bucky.
You: Bucky got it. It will be ready shortly.
Guy: don't I need to pay.
You: it's on the house. You were our....50th customer today. *liar*

He just stares at you for a few seconds and walks off to the corner seats of the restaurant. Someone definitely needed coffee today.

I grab a tall and start on the coffee. Just because I'm the type of person to add a little flavor to mine I figured maybe a little flavor in his will brighten his mood. As the coffee is brewing I get a shiver down my back like someone is watching me. Without moving to much I see out the corner of my eye this bucky guy staring me down. Who the hell is this guy? The coffee finishes and I add a spoon full of sugar mixing it in so that it's not grainy. I grab a sleeve and write Bucky on the cup with a little message. You personally walk to his table set the cup down in front of him.

You: Small coffee for Bucky. Enjoy.

You go and deal with the other waiting customer as Bucky sits their staring at the cup that said " For Bucky, staring is rude. Here is my number kis-smy-asss." A little smirk plays on his lips as he keeps re-reading it. Grabbing the cup he walks out the store unnoticed towards his truck.

Rhodes: you get any dna?
Bucky: nope.
Rhodes: anything?
Bucky: a coffee.
Rhodes: ....any details.
Bucky: Not any that matched our bandit. Maybe she has a sibling that they don't know is doing crimes.
Rhodes: maybe. We will have to look into her family. Did you at least get me a coffee?
Bucky: no money.
Rhodes: did you get the coffee?

Bucky just shrugs basically saying conversation over and takes a sip of the coffee. The coffee tasted dark but a little sweet. The taste of sugar reminiscing on the taste buds.

Bucky: *smiles* it was on the house.

Rhodes just sighs and starts the truck back up pulling out the parking lot. Bucky stares at the message and takes out is phone.




Bucky just laughs in his head and saves the number in his phone under "sugar".

Rhodes: why are you so smiley today? It's unnatural.
Bucky: coffee makes me happy.

Bucky Barnes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now