imagine #7

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You guys all decide to have victory drinks and shawarma after defeating Thanos.


One after another You and Thor were chugging down big glasses of beer. You could feel the alcohol getting to you making you drink more but you just laughed it off and continued to beat Thor.

Natasha: (y/n) that's enough. I'm gonna end up being the one to take care of you.
You: *laughs* never! I am the strongest one!
Thor: this woman is the strongest I have ever met! Another round!
You: bring it on!
Nat: guys we have to do something. She is gonna end up drunk.
Tony: isn't she already drunk and besides drunk (y/n) is the best. YOU GOT THIS (Y/N)!
Steve: don't cheer her on. That's the opposite of what we just said.
Tony: the girl is fine. Both mentally and sexually.
Steve: watch it Stark. That's my best friend.
Nat: yeah and if Bucky heard you say that you would be dead.
Tony: yeah but he isn't here now is he. He is off in Wakanda sooo.
Steve: Tony? Where are you going!?

Tony walks over to you as you are chugging down another big glass of beer against Thor. You slam the glass down on the table shattering it throwing your arms in the arm in victory.

Tony: Congratulations (y/n).
You: Thank you Tony! What can I help you with?
Tony: it's more like what can I help you with.
You: excuse me?
Tony: Look I know it's been rough without Mr. Knight in shining armor so why don't I help you in that part of business and then maybe you can help me.
You: Never in a million years Tony.
Tony: oh come on. A little smooch never hurt anyone.
Thor: Stark I believe the woman said no.
Tony: bud out of this Thor. So what do you say (y/n)?
Bucky: I believe my girl said no.

Tony turns around to see Bucky behind him with his arms crossed.
Tony throws his arms in the air and backs away from you slowly. Bucky walks towards you giving you a peck on the lips with a smile on your face.

Bucky: you reek of alcohol. How much have you drank?
You: hmmmm. Thor how many have you drank?
Thor: 60
You: then 70 big jugs of beer. I'm winning!
Bucky: okay then let's go home and call it a night.
You: but the contest is still going.
Thor: your girl is better than me!
You: damn right I am!

Thor and you high five laughing as Bucky just smiles shaking his head.

Bucky: I love that you are having a great time but I'm home now. And there are some things we need to discuss.
You: what things?oooooh you're gonna bang me hard tonight aren't you!? OKAY! Thor we will continue later on!
Thor: okay have a fun banging night!
Nat: but I wanna be an aunt!

You both leave the place laughing walking back home holding hands enjoying each others warmth.

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