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The sound of my phone woke me from my, nearly eleven-hour nap. I rolled over and placed the phone to my ear ignoring not knowing who was calling me. "...hello?" my voice was dry, and it cracked slightly.

"I wouldn't think you'd pick up, Killua," my eyes that had been closing lazily, had shot open.I voice I hadn't heard in almost four years echoed from my phones speaker. "...Kurapika?" I asked, obviously knowing what the answer would be. "yes."

I sat up on my bed, nearly falling. I wanted to ask so many questions. "Where were you?", "how have you been?", but mainly, "how did you get my number?" My mind couldn't settle on the right one to ask. Lucky I didn't have to answer because Kurapika cut my thoughts off by asking, "what city are you in?"

Well, one way to start a conversation with someone you haven't seen in years. I stood up and walked over to my window that had been across my room. The curtain was closed, however, it was so bright out that the sunlight shown past the black material. I figured opening them would only sting my eyes, but since when has pain phased me?

"Kakin Port," I answered pulling the leathery fabric apart. There was a light chuckle from the brown-eyed blonde. "not as far as I thought..." he mumbled. I was a bit confused, but I didn't say anything. Instead, I looked from the now opened window. The sun nearly burned my pale skin. I looked sick in almost any kind of light. Though, my appearance wasn't important to me. The streets below my room were piled with people, young and old. This was and may always be a busy place. Many different actions and activities were going on, almost too many to count. Almost.

"what do you say about meeting up with us?" Kurapika's voice spoke softly into the speaker. I turned and faced my nearly empty hotel room. I had only been staying here for at most a week. The dark glossiness of the dark floorboards shined brightly in the sun. As did a burning reflection escaped the mirror aligned against the wall. I never understood why that was placed there, but I never bothered to move it.

It took a minute before I actually realized what he said. "...what do you mean by 'us'?" That was the least of my questions right now, and I had a million of them.

"well, there's, Leorio...Me...and of course Gon. Along with many others as well," Two names I haven't heard in a long time. The old man, and my very first best friend. My heart began to race with excitement. "I'd say I'm up for it. Where are you gonna be?" I said smiling lightly. There was a pause, then he spoke again, "'ll have to travel a distance."

I shrugged it and off and answered with, "okay." I mean I've been traveling for a while now so I didn't really care about how far I would have to travel. " well, we're all meeting up in Zaban city," he responded with a light inhale. The trip would take about four days, though that's not as long as I assumed he would say it was. " problem," I said sitting back down on my bed. "we'll be seeing you soon then," the phone line cut.

I feel back on my bed and smiled.


I began leaving my hotel room to get some more food. I was almost instantly drawn in a crowd of people. I'd grown used to it by now, but it was still just as bothersome. While trying to cross the street I was pushed into an alleyway. It was bright and humid, I instantly began to sweat, and It had a dead-end meaning, I had to force my way back into the pool of people. Sighing I prepared for the uncomfortable amount of shoving that was soon to happen, yet again.

Before I was actually able to fulfill that action, my phone began vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and read the caller ID. It was an unknown caller, the same one that had been calling since early noon. I had been trying to Ignore it ever since. It's not working.

Out of annoyance, I picked up the call. "hello?"

"It's about time, Gon," someones deep raspy voice nearly screamed over the phone, a familiar voice. I nearly dropped my phone, when I realized who was on the other side of this call. "Leorio?!" I tried my best not to scream, though I doubt it worked. It would have been an even revenge though.

"It's been a while, huh?" he asked. I could almost hear his large goofy smile. "...almost too long," I said leaning against a near wall. It was hot and it hurt a little bit, but I eventually got used to it. "I have something to ask you Gon," he said.

"anything," I replied, hoping nothing bad has happened or was about to happen. "how would you feel about meeting up with your old friends?" he questioned. There was two different meaning to the word "friends". I'm hoping it's in a good way.

Though I still had to ask to clarify, "who exactly?" There was a pause and then a light laugh, " me, Kurapika, and someone you might really want to see, Killua," my heart was already beating from my chest hearing that made it even harder.

Years ago I had a conversation about something personal I told him not to tell anyone. The thing was how I had feelings for Killua, It's been four years so I'm pretty much over it now. Still, I feel like I should have said something about it. I'm kinda surprised Leorio didn't say anything either.

"Yeah of course!" I said trying to stay on the topic. "one thing though, we're all meeting in Zaban city," he started, "depending on where you are now it might take a little while." I thought about it for a minute, then agreed. I mean Yorknew city is a great place to be, but the crowds are a bit bothersome. "we'll see you then," the line cut.

I smiled placing my phone away. I still can't believe it's been four years. I can't wait to see everyone again, now I have to get something to eat...

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