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When I heard those words I nearly choked on what little food I had left in my mouth. As I coughed and cleared my throat Gon laughed and softly rubbed my back.

"Why would you ask that? Here? Now?" I asked confused.

It was always a bit hard to get inside of Gon's head, I guess that never changed over the years...thats one thing to add to the list.

"You telling me you aren't even the least bit curious as to how strong I've become? What I learned, or how I improved?" He looked at me and an instant flash of determination flashed in his eyes. It was a look I was all to familiar with, and I'm never able to make it go away.

"Well I didn't quite plan to kick my boyfriend's ass," I stated confidently. At the mention of "boyfriend" Gon's face turned a light shade of pink. He huffed in response
"And what makes you think I'd loose, huh?"

I couldn't help but laugh. He was so cute. Now that I'm thinking about it i don't think I missed very much other then his powers growing stronger.
"Gon, I don't need to fight you, to tell that you've gotten stronger," I crossed my arms and shook my head smiling.

"Hmm just seems like you're making up excuses," Gon say smiling widely holding his arms behind his back.
"I think your just scared because you've gotten weaker," he mocked me with a smirk.

I looked at him blankly for a moment. "Fine, but be prepared for any and everything,"

And with that we left the cafe and found a little grassland in the forest that was a little travel away. It was really pretty and opened to. Everything was quite, expect our feet hitting the ground and our playful bickering.

When we got to the middle of the open area, we separated a few feet apart from each other, and stood in a battle stance. "You ready?" Gon called with a fierce smile.
"I should be the one asking you that," I stated smirking.
He laughed and said, "on 3." I nodded lightly.

We ran at each other and began throwing and blocking the others hits. We had decided on not using Nen because we might kill something along the way. So it was mostly physical contact fighting.

I was proven right, Gon had gotten stronger and it was showing in the way he hit, kicked, and dodged.
But so have I.

After I threw a quick kick to his side I jumped back, and forward again catching him a bit off gaurd. I started to move faster with my hits and even began to hit harder.

However, the more I would hit the more Gon would shift or switch hitting positions. He threw a hit aimed for my jaw. I ducked under it and tackled him to the ground.

We began laughing as we rolled around with each other. Eventually we stopped, with him underneath me and me lingering over him. We had paused our laughter and locked eyes for what seemed like forever. Until I pulled him up into a kiss.

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