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By the time everyone had left, or began leaving it was close to 3 in the morning. I mean yeah we haven't seen each other in years but really?

Then again I got to spend more time with I didn't do much complaining. During that time, we talked and talked. I felt grounded in our simplest conversations, maybe it was because we've been apart for years, or maybe because of something else.

"You're staying that far away?!" He looked at me confused. We were stepping out of the building we were in getting ready to go.

I let out a light chuckle, "it was the closest to the I was tired from the flight."

I looked up at the star filled sky. Everything about it felt familiar. Me and Gon would go stargazing all the time. Even though we always saw them, his eyes would always light up. It was a beautiful sight, both him and the stars.

"I still do it..." His voice softly broke my train of thoughts. I hummed in confusion and waited for a response.

"Whenever I get the chance I look up at the stars...and no matter what I would always remember the times we would do this together," he stopped walking in his tracks and looked at me.

"...sometimes...sometimes I wished we would've never split up, and that our four years apart never happened," although he had begun smiling, his eyes were flushed over with sadness.

I pulled him into a hug and tried to comfort him, "I know how you feel, it was hard...but seeing you after that long while was worth it." It bothered me to see him like this...thats something thats never changed since our childhood.

He hugged back, and nodded into the crook of my neck. We stayed that way for a while, before he reluctantly pulled away.

His face was a bit flushed, but he smiled at me. "can we meet back up tomorrow? I'm tired,"

"Sure, I guess we could go and tour the city...for anything new. Let's meet back here in the morning," I said placing my hands into my pockets.

"'ll be our little date!" He giggled walking away. His comment left me dumbfounded, and blushing. After I regained my composure, I smiled lightly. He's always been a bit straightforward...

When I got back to my room, I took a 15 minute shower and laid down on the less than comfortable bed. It was pretty obvious that I was thinking about Gon.

I didn't just notice but now that I was alone I actully thought about how much he's changed. Which wasn't a lot, but visibly yeah he looked a little different. His voice got a bit deeper as well. I still love to take note that I'm taller than him.

"it'll be our little date!" His words rang in my head. I rolled over to my side and smiled, "yeah...I guess it will."

Morning came by pretty fast, though I woke up a bit late than usual. After changing my clothes and brushing my teeth I went out.

Being out in the day was the same as yesterday. It was easier today to meet up with Gon. Because I knew exactly were to go.

When I actually got there, he was nowhere to be found. I decided to wait. Though after about 10 minutes I got impatient with waiting.

"Hmm...maybe he already came. I did wake up later than us-"

"sorry! I got side tracked by some travelers..." I was cut short by Gon running up to me nearly almost out of breath.

I looked at him for a moment then playfully rolled my eyes, "baka, you can't just suggest something then be late!" I began walking, resting my arms behind my head.

"I said sorry...geez," he followed slightly pouting. I held in a small chuckle. I always thought he was cute whenever he did that.

"Plus I was only a few minutes right?" He added, stepping up next to me.

"How do you know how long I've been waiting? I could've been there for an hour or so," I said smirking at him.

"...because knowing you, you wouldn't wait that long," he answered, matter of factly.

"Hmm, I guess your right. I was only waiting 10 minutes, and I got impatient," I responded letting out a defeated sigh.

"Though technically if you think about it we never did arrange what time to meet, so in a sense neither of us were on time," he tilted his head slightly as if trying to understand his own logic.

I smiled to myself.

"Before we do anything, wanna get something to eat? I passed by a lot of different food places getting here,"

He nodded his head excitedly, and fastened his pace as if he knew where he was going.

Its been so long since we've been out together. I wanted to do everything with him...I wonder how long he'll be in this city.

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