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I had everything packed within a couple of hours, only because I really didn't want to. It was a bother folding and 'neatly' putting clothing inside a suitcase or truffle bag. Either that or I was just to lazy. It's not like I have that much clothing.

I was debating whether I should leave now or the next day. I didn't know were everyone else was, I might have been the farthest one away from everyone or the closest. Calling Leorio back would have been the easiest thing to do, but he didn't call from a personal phone number. It must have been a local payphone. But if that was the case, then how'd he get my phone number?

It didn't really matter now. In the end, I decided I'd leave today. Better safe than sorry, plus I'm really excited to see everyone after years of being apart. And I hope everyone else feels the same way, they wouldn't be called friends if they didn't...right?

Before I actually left I had to check out. The hotel was actually nice, great veiw of the city, unnecessarily large rooms and it was close to some of the hottest city highlights. Though my favorite was the food services. The cooks were amazing.

After I sighed out I left for the airport almost instantly, but every now then I would get dropped by tourists looking for interesting places to go and explore. Soon I was on the next flight to Zaban. Sure it would be a twenty-four hour flight, but that wasn't long at all compared to the multiple places I've been going.

I began wondering what everyone looked like, had they changed, or did they look the same? I looked at my reflection in the window of the aircraft. I hadn't  changed much. My hair was still spiky, only a little longer and loose in the front area. I had grown to be about 5'7, and I looked a little older. I look the same overall, at least if you'd known me you'd be able to tell it's me.

I let out an impatient sigh, I knew the only logical answer was to wait and see...I don't like waiting.
The flight, was relaxing though. Only because I slept for most of it. When I actually  did wake up, I was flying over Zaban awaiting the stop that was going to be in five minutes.

Familiar buildings came in and out of view, buildings that I haven't seen in four years, that is. My mind became flustered with fond memories. I smiled as each one clearly came into view, as if I was reliving them.

When my flight landed I decided to find somewhere to stay, before I did anything else. It was early morning, so I doubted anything to be opened at this time. However, I thought wrong. There was a local motel from the airport.

I figured I'd settle here for the time being. There was nothing wrong with it an anyway. Everything was neatly built and placed together. The place looked as though it was being polished everyday.

I took whatever room was available, and went to my room. I wasn't at all tired, I had slept plenty on the flight. But my schedule was off. I had about five hours before the town would be fully awake, So I just decided to watch a movie for the time being.

Around six AM, I took a shower, changed my clothes, and left out to explore the town. I had all day to do whatever I wanted before having to find the "others". So I'd figured I'll just revisit an old place of memory.

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