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I go to sit down and the cunt pulls my chair so I just fell on the floor. I stood up to punch him but he got the first punch, right in my face causing my nose and lip to bleed.

He punches me again in my stomach, where I had recently got stitches from another attack. I felt the stitches come loose and the blood run free. (say we can fly anyone?)

The blood seeped through my shirt, luckily it didn't touch frank's jacket. It was an expensive jacket.

"Fuck that hurt!" I collapsed to the floor in pain gripping the wounded area. "Pussy!" He kicked me in my stomach.

Frank walked in just on time to see him kick me. At this point I was coughing up blood on the floor, I scraped my hand and wrist on the floor when I fell, my face was bleeding and so was my stomach. This caused me to get blood on his jacket.

The cunt pushed me on to the floor and straddled me getting ready to punch me in the face. Before he could do that, Frank ragged him off me and took him outside.

I was laid on the floor in pain bleeding extremely badly and there's nothing I could do to prevent it. I couldn't move, every move I made was too painful.

The class just stared at me as blood dropped off my face and onto the floor. Nobody knew how serious this was. 

Frank walked back in with a nurse and a different teacher.

I assume the other teacher was going to supply for frank because he left the school with me.

We went straight to the hospital to sort out the stitches. After an hour at the hospital we went home, the guys weren't in meaning they were either at band practice or shopping.

"Uhg people at that school frustrate me" frank hit the table with anger. "Same.." I was struggling to walk and pretty much struggling with everything else.

I limped my way to the stool next to frank and he helped me on it. "you could've died twice in the past 2 weeks." He sighs and puts his hand on his face.

"This school is going to kill you, you haven't been here long either." He sighs once again.

I just sit in silence, if I didn't decide to cut then thus wouldn't have happened. This is my fault.

He hugs me from behind and kisses my head. "I love you"

"I love you too"

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