Chapter Three

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Jade looked down at herself in horror. if you remember from one of the first chapters ( I can't remember which because there's no way I'm reading over this) Jade was never explicitly stated to be wearing a shirt, and this is because she had serious issues from both being crazy and because of her juvy experience.

Jade was about to yell and kick the guy in his stupid face, despite the fact that he was the first to point this out whereas everyone else had just laughed at her, but then Justin made human contact with her again and so this quelled her fiery nature (Fiery nature being a nice way of saying 'actual problems'). Miss Macfall decided that she would have to intervene.

"It's alright Justin, us teachers have all been equipped with a Taser in case Jade tries to kill one of us like last year." she brought out the stunning device and turned it on to show how it worked. It accidently went off so powerfully that she dropped it and it landed on a child. "Shit"

The class were then escorted out of the room. not because of the accidental stunning of a child and that the ambulance and medial crew needed space, but because they had to go to Vaughan's remembrance service. Jade had a weird feeling, and not because she felt guilty, but actually because she was now rather cold after realising her lack of shirtage. The assembly hall was big but the whole school were in there, meaning that the hall was now packed full of students, all crying, all sad. Jade and Justin took their sets and realised that someone had put cushions on all of their seats. Jade assumed that this was to make them comfortable for the assembly as it would be very boring, but then saw that all the cushions had Vaughan's face imposed on top She shivered. Because she was cold and stupid, not because she was wanting forgiveness. The teaching staff hauled the coffin into the hall and opened up the casket on stage. The whole school gasped as Vaughn in the coffin didn't look as rotten as what he did yesterday (This is because she students regularly opened up the coffin, because it was there and it was a high school what else do you expect?). Suddenly the man in the coffin opened his eyes and sprung out of the coffin. He started dancing on stage in front of the horrified children. Then he paused.

"Alright then kids, and no, I'm not Vaughan, yeah, he's still dead. I'm Vaghn (pronounced Vorn) Fitzgerald, not to be confused with my dead twin brother. I'm also your new headteacher!"


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