Chapter Six

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Jade and Justin decided to stop by the canteen before they went out of school. On the way they bumped into Scott who was all like:

"Look who it is, Jade the raging emo psychopath," and then Jade spazzed out and started yelling back telling Scott to shut the fuck up. Then she attempted to beat him up but because she was only a small teenage girl with no fighting experience he easily deflected her attacks. It also helped that she was on a lot of meds at the time as well. She got on the floor and started to screech that she wasn't an emo, despite the fact that she had unplugged her headphones which blared out 'Helena' while having her 'moment'.

"Jesus Christ, Jade," Kenzie (yeah I don't know either) said as she secretly took Jade's ipod and put it in her pocket, knowing she could sell it for more LSD later on. "What the hell is so bad about being called an emo? I mean, have you ever seen Andy Biersack?" Jade stopped screaming and looked at Kenzie.

"Did you just call me emo?" Jade spat. Kenzie face palmed, causing the stolen ipod to create an indent on her forehead.

"For God's sake Jade, did an emo kill your family or something? Or are you just that triggered?" Justin said as he made sure to keep everyone away from her. Once everyone had stopped gaping at the brilliant spectacle, they went off for lunch and Jade and Justin were left alone in the hallway. Jade managed to calm herself down by thinking of Mr Blobby.

"Right then, what happened there?" Justin asked her.

"He called me a raging emo psychopath and I get so angry. I feel like there's an angry person inside my body. I can't keep him in, he is getting bigger and bigger." Replied Jade thinking that she was being all deep and edgy.

"Sorry, what the hell, Jade" Justin exclaimed "There's an angry person in your body? Well done, Dumbass, that person is YOU." Jade paused and realised that she had just done a useless monologue for no reason. This was new for Jade as she never before was able to recall what she had just said. Then Kenzie came back to see the two and asked what they were doing. They told her that they were going to go and get chips. Kenzie decided to tag along so that she didn't have to buy her own food as she was poor after spending all her benefits on meth, which wasn't actually meth but icing sugar, because everyone at the school was a complete moron. The three headed out of school in search of the chip shop. Jade had no idea where she was going so the two had to keep an eye on her.

"God, I need a cigarette," said Jade as she fished out her packet of Malbros. Little did she know that one of the councillors had stolen them because they too had a substance issue. They had made sure to replace them with small twigs to make sure Jade wouldn't suspect, although she probably still wouldn't know something had happened.

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