Chapter Eight

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So unfortunately Jade made it through the horrific choking ordeal but only because some little year seven shits where fighting and one fell over on top of her and that sufficed as the Heimlich manoeuvre. So Jade Green lived to see another day (hopefully not for long).

It was science she hadn't science (I'm so sorry, that was directly ripped from the original just because of how bad it is) She walked in late to science because she almost died.
"You're late," Said Mr Dolverio as Jade sat down.
"Like I give a shit," snapped back Jade instead of telling him that she died. Mr Dolverio was a normal human being and so he told Jade she may as well get the fuck out of classroom and Jade looked at him like he was being unreasonable. She stayed sat down next to Justin and because she was begging to be bitch slapped by someone she randomly decided to come out with shit to start a fight.
"Who is that bitch looking at me?" Jade said.
"You're making a scene, calm down," Justin replied wisely because it was true, she was making a scene and was making herself out to be a real dipshit, as per usual.
"Yeah, do what your boyfriend says," Replied Lisa (by the way, Lisa is a pre existing character and not your stalker, Hannah, don't worry.)
"Not now, Lisa, she's not in the best mood," Justin continued as he now seemed to have become Jade's parental figure, which fits as Jade has the IQ of a frigging child.

"At least I can get someone" Jade snapped, pissed off despite Lisa being totally in the right here. Everyone shifted uncomfortably as nobody really wanted to point out to her that she was the most unappealing creature they had ever come across, I mean come on, no matter how 'attractive' she is, her attitude is horrific and no guy wants to get dragged down with something like Jade, she also probably likes the film version of 'my sister's keeper' better than the book. Instant turn off.

"You sketty emo bitch at least I'm not a slapper like you," Lisa replied as the whole class cheered and began calling Jade an emo because despite there being honestly nothing wrong with emos, they thought It was funny how triggered she got. Jade had a complete breakdown because she found that she was unable to fight them due to Mr Blobby's demonic face flashing into her mind. I'd feel sorry for her, but she's a bitch.

You should also know that Mr Dolverio was sat on his desk the whole time, recording it on his phone because  he knew that he would be able to put this on his youtube channel and garner hundreds of views from his twelve year old fanbase. His channel is DolverioTheLadd ay by the way.

"Justin for fuck's sake, help me!" Jade screamed "The walls are closing in one me!" She shouted as everyone collapsed in laughter because she was clearly tripping out on her twigarettes and now probably had a bark addiction. Justin looked down at the wreck of a human being as he saw the person he threw his life away for on the floor having an unsightly spasm.

"Fuck off, Jade, you sket, I'm off to community college, Fuck this joint." Justin said cooly as he walked out of the classroom, knowing that he would never return.

You should also know that on his way to take a hairdressing apprenticeship at the community college, Justin was mowed down by a car and at the moment it is assumed that he is now dead. Thank God. Now he'll never have to see that bitch again. Pray for him guys.

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