Chapter Fourteen

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Jade had no idea what the heck No Hope was made out of as she got pregnant really fast and ended up getting kicked out of the care home when the assumed that it was one of the social workers that had caused it. He, however, kept his job.

Jade was still allowed to stay at Waterloo road and got to be part of the 'I'm a moron and got preggers' club. There was only one person in that club. Jamal David Blackman didn't really want to hang out with Jade anymore because he assumed that it was all Justin's fault. He decided that the best way to get back at him by getting Kenzie pregnant. Kenzie was all up for it.

It was only when fifth period rolled around when Jade could have sworn she felt something clawing her out. She assumed that she'd left a hamster up there, wasn't the first time, but this was something a lot more. She decided that she wasn't feeling well and so decided to got somewhere which made her happy. The Graveyard.

The graveyard was deserted at the time so Jade felt comfortable to get out her Fruit Shoot H2O vodka and her twig cigarettes. She was going to enjoy herself. she took her favourite spot, on top of the late and beloved Vaughan's Grave. She still didn't understand how he died, because she just thought that he was the head teacher still.

"Vaughan, I thought you were alive. Be alive" She said as she felt something move inside of her and scream, but she just thought that it was the twigs kicking in. Suddenly the dirt around Vaughan's grave moved a bit and a hand shot up out of the ground. A man slowly made his way up out of the dirt. I was Vaughan.

"Fucking hell, that was shit," Said Vaughan. "I've been in purgatory with my least favourite son, Justin. He's been ranting about obscure British Game shows for ages, oh, hey Jade."

Jade looked confused. She thought Vaughan was at school. Why was he in the ground? She didn't have much time to think though as she felt her insides coming out.

"Oh shit, I'm dying!" She shouted. A cheer was heard from across the graveyard as an old man who was visiting his late wife was listening in. At least Gladys would have company now.

"Don't worry, Jade. Wait, are you preggers?" Exclaimed Vaughan as he sighed at his gravestone. They'd spelled his name wrong. God damn it. "Don't worry, I actually used to be a midwife when I was younger."

"Really?" Asked Jade as she laid down and tried to give birth.

"Hah, no." He replied "But I saw like, one episode of operation ouch and so should be qualified." He stood up and towered over Jade and decided that the best thing to do would be to stamp on her stomach. He did with all his strange resurrected zombie force and a baby shot out of Jade and flew across the graveyard. It hit it's head on a gravestone.

"Fuck me!" Shouted the baby. Vaughan walked over to the child and realised that it had tiny hooves and red eyes. He began to shake violently.

"Erm, Jade," He said as Jade got up, completely recovered from the horrific birth and began to drink her H2O again. She also made sure to stamp on some flowers by someone's grave for good measure.

"Ay Yo, what's up." She said as she looked at the baby thing. "Aw, shit, is that mine?"

"I don't know Jade, It looks like the." He paused for dramatic effect. "I think that it's the- Antichrist..."

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