Chapter 1

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Emma's POV:
I was just walking home from my shift. When I got the strangest feeling that I was being watched. Deciding to follow my instincts I ran just in case someone was following me. I got home in record time and climbed the stairs leading to my crappy apartment. I unlocked my door and stepped into my livingroom/bedroom/kitchen(yes there all in the same room). Which only consisted of a sofa bed, sink, and a countertop which had my microwave on it though it barley worked anymore. The only other room I had was a little closet space for my bathroom. Though it wasn't much it was all I could afford with my minumum wage salary and all my savings gone.

I've been trying to find a better paying job but, no one would hire an 18 year old girl who looks like she's half her age with no high school diploma or personal documents. I'm lucky I snagged a job at my current establishment though it wouldn't hurt to get another job.

I had been saving little by little since I got this job hoping to achieve my dream of moving into the big apple and opening my own restaurant. Though I was always a self taught girl I learned how to cook through my late nana. When she and grandpa passed I started to read more to help me cope.
So far I'm no where near my goal and all I've really achieved is cutting my food budget to cup noodles in order to help my savings.

I've been told I look very young due to my appearance of being short and underweight. I also look very babyfaced with my brown hair and brown eyes. I've even been asked out by a couple customers but, my focus will always be getting my dream restaurant. Like my nana always said you can't get anyhting in life unless you work for it. Well here I am working 12 hours a day 6 days a week for minimum wage. I fall asleep thinking about my dream restaurant and how much better it will be than my job at the gas station cafe. Speaking of the gas station it's probobly going to be crowded tomorrow because of cherry blossom season.

Hunter's POV:
I start packing mine and Paris's bags into the car for our trip back home. We've been visiting my parent's pack for the weekend dicussing future projects for our packs.

Since I found out my childhood bestfriend and crush was my mate she and I decided to make our own pack rather than combine our parent's pack with each other. See her parent's are the alpha's of the Blackwood Pack the strongest pack in North America. While my parents were the alpha's of the Rosecreek Pack the second strongest pack. My parents and her parents have been friends since their teenager years and always allied with each other.

When they found out me and Paris were Mates they were thrilled our families would be joined by us. Though we did start our own pack the Rosewood Pack the third strongest pack in North America not to toot my own horn but toot toot.

Anyways that was over 6 years ago me and Paris are now 22 years old and are going on strong.

"Babe did you pack the gps?" Paris yelled while saying goodbye to my parents.

"Yeah but, we don't need it. I know the way back home." I yelled after stuffing the last bag into the trunk.

"Last time you said that we took the scenic route on an uncharted road somewhere in the mountains." I heard a couple wolves giggle and glared at them

"Babe trust me I got this all figured out we'll even stop by this town for a night or two to rest up." I said walking over to where she and my parents where.

"I heard they got some cherry blossom trees starting to blossom." I said while slowly sliding my hands around her waist.

I whispered into her ear "I know they're your favourite."

I head a sigh next to us and looked at my parents "I wish your father were more romantic now all he can think of is our morning yoga which he never seems to forget" mom said while shaking her head slowly

My dad releases a hearty laugh and said "you'll thank me when were older"

"We are older" I heard my mom mutter under her breath while giving me a goodbye hug followed by my father

We said our goodbyes while Paris and I got into our 2018 white rolls royce phantom. A couple hours later we arrived into town just as the sun was setting. Though it was only a small town at night it's lights were beautiful especially if it's cheery blossom season. I woke up Paris and parked the car so we could look around while we walk to our hotel.

While walking around I felt Paris stiffen and breathe in. Her grip on my hand tightened. I was about to ask her if something was wrong when I smelt it. The most intoxicating scent strong enough to over take the smell of cherry blossoms. A flash of brown pasts us and as I take a look behing it's gone.

I look back at Paris with a shocked expression her face holding the same "Did you smell that? It smelled so refreshing and intoxicating." I said snapping out of my shocked state

"Yeah it was amazing. It smelt so fresh so close then it just disappeared. It kinda reminds me off"

I cut her off and say "the mate bond me and you had the moment both of us were 16."

I look around and I can tell she was too. But all we saw were the few people walking pass us. The smell was gone and I immediately felt my chest tighten. Paris probobly felt the same since her bodh stiffened. We both look at each other and nod both thinking the same thing. We found ourselves another mate and we weren't going to let her slip from our grasps.

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