Chapter 8

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Emma's POV:
I woke up feeling as refreshed as ever. I was being sandwiched between my two alpha mates. Last night I finally accepted them being my mates. Last night's conversation lead me to my descion of accepting them as my mates. I mean they love me and I kinda am starting to fall for them as well. How bad can it be letting these two love and protect me?

I slowly get up and check the time on the clock. It's 5:40 AM considering how late we stayed up talking last night. But my body is already use to waking up early for work. Speaking of work I have to get ready work starts a 6:30. As soon as I start to get up off from the bed I feel a set of arms pull me backnon the bed.

They start wrapping their arms around me and entangling our legs together keeping me hostage in the bed. Realising I can't break free from their grasp I let out a sigh "hey guys I have to get up." I say

Paris opens her eyes slightly at me amusement written all over her face. "Why" she says while snuggling into me even more. "I have work at 6:30 so I have to get up" I say pushing up.

I manage to sit up when Hunter pulls me back down and tightens her grip. " No your not going to work anymore" making me confused "why wouldn't I be going to work anymore. I have to earn money" before I could finish paris kissed me on the lips making me freeze. "You won't have to work to get money anymore we will provide everything for you" Paris said after she pulled away from our kiss.

"But I wanna do some stuff too. I want to earn my own money." I said Hunter sat up followed by Paris I sat up then as well. "To earn your own money? You make minumum wage probably even less hust look at that so called apartment of your." Hunter said making me irritated how dare she say that when she has no idea what I've been through. What I am trying to strive towards. "Now wait a minute. You have no right to judge me. Not everyone was born rich like you." I said a bit too loudly as I clijmbed off the ned and headed into the closet. They told me where the bathroom and closet where. It was the two door on either side of the bed. I started to try and find some type of clothes that would fit me. I would just change out into my spare uniform I kept at the cafe.

I freshened up and decided on a a cute sundress that was yellow it went to my ankles sadly but, it didn't look too bad. I made my way back into the closet from the bathroom. Did I forget to mention that their huge closet and their huge bathrrom are connected on the inside. I wanted spend more time admiring both but, i was running out of time if I wanted to make it to work on time.

As I was on my way out of the closet door into the room. When I saw Paris and Hunter discussing aomething while sitting on the couches. They turned their attention to me as I walked out the closet. I ihnored them still a bit irratated and walked towards the door. I glanced at the clock which read 6:05 in a panic I quickly open the door only to have it slam on my face.

I see Hunter's hand above my head pushing the door keeping it shut. In frustration I snap at her "who do you think you are just because I'm your mate doesn't mean you can expect me to rely on you for everything. I am not some weak baby fawn that can't do anything. I'm going to work and that's final." I say while looking Hunter dead in the eyes.

In a split second I'm thrown onto the bed I hear the fabric of the sundress I'm wearing rip off. Suddenly my hands are pinned I look up and Paris is holding my hands down. While Hunter traced the scars on my stomach. "We can't even trust by yourself without hurting yourself. I don't care if we have to lock you away your not leaving our supervision. You can decide if your going to make this easy or difficult." She said as she grabbed my chin and yanked my head so I would be looking at her.

I thought I was making a statement when I spit in her face. Yeah that didn't really work out in my favour. She wiped off the spit on her face and glared at me.

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