Chapter 15

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Paris's POV:
I sat down at the desk in our hotel room. While Hunter is pacing around the whole damn room.  "Hunter can you sit the fuck down for a minute I'm trying to think." I shouted.

It seems to have caught her attention so she sat down on the couch. "What are we going to do we can't lose her can we?" She said putting her head into her hands.

"I was being to full of myself thinking she would run back into our arms when she saw us. But what I didn't expect was for her to yell at us!" I said angrily. How could this happen? I know what happened in the past but with all this going on, were going  to lose her.

I stared at Hunter who still had het head down. I sighed heavily. "It's our fault she yelled at us everything she was saying in that room was true." She said heavily, tears slid down her cheek. I went up and sat next to her comforting her. She very rarely cries even in front of me.

"I can't bare to think that tommorow will be the last day. Knowing how tonight went she'll probably cut her ties with us forever. I just can't bare the thought of that." She said hugging me. I softly pat her head as she cries on me. I felt like letting a few tears lose as well.

I grabbed a tissue a handed to her. "I know it was both of our faults that she left us." I said quietly. "But maybe just maybe we can still win her back." I said hopefull. "How we already tried coming here but that obviously didn't work." Hunter said drying her tears.

I leaned back on the couch thinking of ways to solve this.

Emma's POV:
Today's the day. I texted Paris and Hunter to meet us at the cafe we went to yesterday at 10am. I just finished getting ready and was about to leave when Sam grabbed my arm. "I want to go with you." She stated while looking me directly in the eyes.

I sighed she had been talking about this since yesterday. "Sam honey if you there to meet them with me you guys might start a fight or worst I'll just go alone okay?" "No what if they tried something we you like they did last night? I won't be there to beat them to a pulp." Sam said as she grabbed her coat. I sighed and after a few more minutes of arguing agreed to let her come with.

We were just minutes away from arriving at the cafe and Sam already looked restless. If anyone should be this restless it should be me considering I'm about to reject my old mates.

We finally arrived and saw they were already waiting for us at one of the tables. I exchanged hellos and nudged Sam to do so as well. Once we were finally seated Paris wasted no time in breaking the silence.

"Look I know that your probably here to reject us or something but before you do that please give us a chance to defend ourselves." I looked at her and Hunter who had the most desperate looks on their faces. I sighed and gave them a nod. They both perked up.

Hunter started. "Look I know we've never been the best mates but all we were trying to do was protect you." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "By locking me naked in a room that went from 75 to hypothermia in minutes?" I asked raising my voice annoyed.

"We didn't mean to do it. It was our stupid beta he thought we were training that night and knew we liked our room cold you know like thoses ice baths athlete have." Paris desperately stated. I sighed. "Even though you didn't mean it doesn't mean you could just lock me in that room naked for making a descion for myself"

Hunter grabed my hand acrossed the table a gave a bit of a squeeze. "Please we were just trying to keep you safe you were working yourself to an early grave." Hunter pleaded with me. "We know it may not have been the right approach but we promise that we've changed." Paris joined in

Sam put her hand on my shoulder and I looked at her. "Don't belive them who knows if they really changed they're just trying to trick you." She said.

Hunter growled but was held back by Paris. "And what about you don't think we didn't do a little digging on yourself Samantha." Paris said a bit too calmly.

Hunter adjusted herself and continued. "Like you can talk about change. We know what happened to your relationship with Emma before that caused her to dump you. An abuser and a cheater some knight you are trying to act like you've done nothing wrong to her." Sam looked shocked that they knew. I know I did how could they find that out our relationship before wasn't out in the open.

Paris cleared her throat to get our attention. "Emma please if you can forgive Sam for hurting you Surely you can forgive us as well? We all made mistakes but please don't disregard our sentiments and regret. While you forgive her." I thought to myself for a minute. "I guess you guys and Sam aren't too different after all.

Both sides hurt me

Both side said they would change and protect me.

I guess only time will tell which side keeps to their word or not." I said slowly standing up. Sam was about to stand up but I pushed her back down on her chair.

"I'm going to take a little walk to clear my mind for a bit. I'll text you guys." Was all I said as I grabbed my stuff and headed towards the door.

As I was walking it started to lightly snow. It was a good thing I brought my coat and scarf. I thought coming to the cafe and talking to them was going to be easy. I thought I already knew what to say to them. But after listening to what Paris said I just can't get it out of my mind. Will I just forget everything and be with Sam knowing she hurt me and I forgave her? Or will  I give them both a chance like I did with Sam and forgive them.

The only reason I forgave Sam in the first place was becuase she found me when I was in a weak state of mind both physically and mentally and helped me. I gave her that chance to help me and let her in knowing she hurt me before. If Sam hadn't done that and come back a year later begging for forgiveness would I forgive her? What about Paris and Hunter would it be unfair If I forgave Sam but not them for the same mistake? They are my mates I mean. But Sam what about all the things she's done for me as well.

I sigh and see my breath in the air. I look down at my engagement ring. I look around and see that it is full on snowing. Who knows how long I've been aimlessly walking around. I'm suplrised no ones tried to mug me yet.

I check my phone to see it quarter till 5. I've been walking around for almost 7 hours and I still havn't made my mind up. What am I going to do?

I take a in the cold winter's air and decide to text them. I text all of them to meet me in the restaurant me and Sam were supposed to go tonight at 5:30 hopefully in that half an hour I'll make sense of something. I start my walk my mind still torn.

Whhat am I going to do? Both have hurt me. Both said they would change for me. Yet I'm only giving one side a chance at proving it to me. How can I give Paris and Hunter a chance. But still be with Sam whom I love so much. But, now that I think about it I still feel that small twinge in my heart whenever I see Paris and Hunter. It may not have been as noticable anymore but, it's still there. I love Sam so much though. What am I going to do?

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