Chapter 7

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Emma's POV:
It's been a good half an hour and they've still been dragging me. We get out of the forest only to find their car parked on the side of the road. They put me inside and make sure to buckle me. Then each of them childlock the passenger side doors and proceed to get in and drive to an unknown destination. I think to myself I may never get my old life back not that it was a good one but still.

I let out a sigh and slouch back in my seat we've been driving for a couple of hours and it's completely dark outside. As we keep driving I start to slowly fall asleep. Next thing I know I'm being carried somewhere in a dazed panic my eyes shoot open. I'm being carried by Hunter inside a really fancy looking place. The hallway was baeutiful it had dark mahogany wood walls and a red velvet carpet going down the middle of the flooring. There were also pieces of art and other furniture laying about as well as candle looking lights hanging on the walls.

Hunter stops at a pair of double doors and opens them still keeping a good grip on me. As we go in I'm mesmerized I had never seen such a dazzling room before. The floor was a dark wood flooring amd in the middle was a four poster bed big enough to fit at least 5 people. On each side of the bed there was a door and on the far left side was a seating area with fluffy couches and a desk area as well. On the far right layed another pair of double doors that were made of glass and lead to a balcony. It was beautiful.

I was snapped backed to reality when they put me layed me on onw of the softest and fluffiest bed I have ever laid on. As I I was relishing the softness I was sitting in I felt two gazes on me. Both the blondes were sitting nezt to me one on each side of the bed. I pretend not to notice by looking around the room.

I felt a strong arm pull me into someones chest. I let out a yelp. "Well aren't your screams the cutest thing" one of them pjrred into my ear while stroking my arm. "Let's get straight to the point so you don't run away again. We're your mates and your ours. That means that were meant to be with each other and that we are s upposed to love reach other and protect each other." The one holding me says in one breath.

It starts to make sense now. That's why they were so focused on me and that's why I felt the tiniest of tingles when they touched me. "We can tell you can't feel the mate bond with us since you ran away and I think I know the reason why. You've given up on love and focused too much on work and other things not as inportant that the feeling slowly went away." The one that was rubbing my arm said.

"We also know your an omega." Hubter says as she holds me "do you wanna know something else?" She whispers in my ear curious I nod. "Where both alpahs and do you know what that makes you little omega? It makes you ours." She says in my ears sending shivers down my spine.

All of this information coming at me all at once made me really anxious and very panicked at the moment. Sensing my distress they ease up and start hugging me. "Shh it's okay were here for you little one. We promise we will always protect you." The other blonde said. Realising that I only knew one of my mates name I asked for their names. "I'm Paris Woods and this is Hunter Woods were the alphas of the third strongest pack in the country The RoseWood Pack our families taking the first and second position of course." Paris stated with pride.

"Oh" is all I can manage to spit out. We stay silent for a cpuple of seconds until I realise their eyes where trained on my body. "Could I possibly get something to wear please."  I ask realising I was still in my birthday suit it snaps them out of their trance in a panic to find me clothes. They head into one of the doors on the side of the bed. Hunter comes up with a shirt twice as big as me. I slipped it on as it came to my calves. Well I guess this is better than nothing.

As soon as I get settled in they start talking to me more as all three of us were ob the bed cuddled up me in the middle of course. I feel very warm and fuzzy on the inside as we talk about what being matres are and how I'm the new luna of the pack and stuff. They even made me laugh a couple times. I fall asleep listening to the sound of their voices.

Hunter's POV:
I watch as Emma starts to fall asleep and kiss her on the cheek followed by Paris. We finally got her and convinced her to be with us. This is perfect we'll be able to look after har and protect her. As well as to stop her from putting herself in her grave too early. This was the petfect night. Emma was ours and we won't let her leave us that's for sure. I kinda feel a bit bad for her who knew the moon goddess wpuld put such a cute omega in the paws of two dominant and possessive alpha wolves. Oh well she knows best and what's best for me and Paris is Emman. I only met her yet I can't seem to go withouther for too long. Ugh I'm alreeady whipped enough with Paris. But I think I can yield enough for Emma. My beautiful and sweet Emma.

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