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"George! Slow down!" John laughed wildly as he clutched George's hand and they ran barefoot through a field of tall sunflowers. Their laughter echoing and sounding as natural as the birds chirping in the trees.

George's long hair whisped like fire in the wind and his technicolor clothes resembled that of the wild flowers surrounding their feet.

One of them tripped and they both tumbled onto each other, falling into a clearing of sunflowers with butterflies fluttering around the two.

John gave George a toothy smile before the other man slammed his lips on John's. They kissed deeply, both muttering and moaning obscenely as they rolled around on the grass.

George slipped John's glasses off of his nose and set them on the ground. He laid on John's chest and John's legs by his hips. He felt the rising and falling of his lover's chest and the soft breeze blow through his hair. George sighed. He looked up at the clear blue sky.

John ran his fingers through George's hair, it was so long John could've probably braided it if he knew how. "You're pretty," John muttered. He kissed the top of George head.

The other man began to blush and lifted his head up, kissing John's lips softly. John closed his eyes and returned the kiss. George ran his hands up John's sides, making him shudder, and lifted the hem of his shirt.

John understood George's motive and soon the essentials of their clothes had been stripped off. George now stroked John's exposed member, eliciting moans from him. John bit his lip and leaned his head back, a piece of grass touched his neck and he flinced, sitting up quickly.

"Something touched me," John muttered, with a hand on his neck and fear in his eyes.

"Yeh, it's me." George smiled.

"No. There's bugs here. Eewugbhhgggh" John's body jittered as he thought of the insects around them.

"John you're fine," George said, understanding John's fear but becoming impatient with him.

John groaned then laid back down on the grass. George took John's length back in his hand and began jacking him off. John's worries seemed to seep away, as did precum as George sped up his hand.

George leaned over and kissed John's lips and cupped his face.

John practically melted to putty as George touched him everywhere and kissed him perfectly. Moans escaped John's lips as he felt George's firm hand on his legs, spreading them more apart.

George sat up, removing his lips from John's, and lifted John's legs and placed them around his waist.

"Oh my God," John chuckled. "This is so dirty, literally."

George stared at him blankly then sputtered a laugh. They shared a simple kiss as they intertwined their fingers together and giggled.

George licked his tongue over John's lips and deepned the kiss. George laid on top of John and they rubbed aganist each other, both becoming very hard.

John moaned and rolled his hips. George's member twitched and he got into position, hovering over the other man.

He kissed up John's neck as John felt the tip of George's dick between his legs. John closed his eyes and bucked his hips. George grunted and shoved himself into John, making him call out.

John grabbed George's shoulders, bringing him closer, and crashing their lips together. George moaned in surprise and began laughing. John chuckled and smiled a smile that would cure depression. George gazed at John in all his glory and kissed him softly. John ran his hand in George's hair and two started moving.

George kept a slow pace as he thrusted and held John's hand. John let out quiet moans and he and George kissed passionately.

They were in a perfect shared bliss, surrounding by tall, sunflowers and small clovers. The grass beneath them was soft as the two moaned sweet things to each other.

The afternoon drifted and George found himself kissing John's neck as the breeze became a cold wind and the sky turned dark.

John and George were caught up with each other to notice the rustling of sunflowers in front of them.

"What,,,what the fuck is that?" A figure pushed back the flowers and exclaimed.

John and George jerked their heads up to see their friend and roomate, Ringo, grimacing.

"This is where you two go everyday?! To fuck?!" He raised his voice. "Klaus and Paul were worried sick about you!"

John looked back to George, with that same fearful look from earlier. George snorted and laid his forehead on John's shoulder, who joined in chuckling.

"Be home soon, you guys," Ringo scoffed and disappeared back into the flowers. George heard the receding steps and mumbles of his friend and a sly grin spread on his face.

"Mmmmmmmroses," he closed his eyes and moaned, matching how John had earlier.

John laughed and furowed his brows.


"George stop it!" Ringo shouted from a few feet away.

John and George wheezed and they heard Ringo stomp away.

"Mmmmm oh dandelions!" George rolled his hips and continued moaning various flower types.

"Dandelions aren't even a flower. They're a weed," John chuckled.

"So?" George quit his moaning and returned his gaze to John.

"I,,,,,ok," John paused. "That killed the mood. "

"Yeh it did,"

"Wanna head back?"


For Trashcate and her bohemian au 🌻🌿 ily binch 💖

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