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"C'mon, you guys aren't even slick about it," Paul sneered as he and two of the other Beatles rested on the couch together. George sighed. Ringo scoffed.

"We are too, Paul. It's not like we stare at him all, like you do." Ringo rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

George raised an eyebrow knowingly at Paul.

"You guys are so fucking gay for him," Paul snickered.

"Yeh? Well what are we supposed to do about it, pray tell?" Ringo frowned.

"Welllll," Paul slide over to them, leaning against George, who grimaced. "I've had an idea for a while. But you guys wouldn't be into it," Paul giggled.

"Just spill the beans, Paul," Ringo was getting very annoyed with Paul if you couldn't tell.

"We could have a foursome," Paul grinned like an evil villain.

George's face erupted in a blush and he hid it with the book he was "reading".

Ringo rolled his eyes. "That's stupid. And John would never go for that."

"But just,,imagine," Paul waved his hand in front of him.

"I'd rather not," Ringo glared at the other man.

George quickly crossed one leg over the other and bit his lip. Paul snorted.

"You're imagining it, George. Aren't ya?" Paul sneered and nudged George with his elbow.

George's blush deepened and he sunk into the couch.

Ringo scoffed. He glanced at the floor, narrowing his eyes. "Fuck," he muttered.

Paul practically cacked. "You're both thinkin bout it too!"

"Oh come off it, Paul!" Ringo raised his voice and shouted at Paul, which frightened George.

Paul giggled and pestered his two friends.

"What are you three on about?" John chuckled as he walked into the living room, about to get a cup of coffee for himself.

"Well, Johnny. The three of us have a proposition for you," Paul nudged Ringo, who was looking very uncomfortable.

"Oh. And what might that be?" John smiled sweetly, not knowing what dastardly plans Paul had in mind.

Paul glanced at Ringo, who shook his head. Paul glanced at George, grinning like a Chesire cat. George sighed and got up from his seat. He made his way to John and tried to imitate how girls flirted with him.

"P-paul was thinkin that the-the four o' us c-could, all fuck each other," George shrugged and smiled anxiously.

John scratched his sideburn nervously.

"Like a foursome?"

"Yeh," George nodded, turning his head to Paul, glaring at him.

"So, ,how ' bout it?" Paul smiled wildly, obviously very eager to the idea. Ringo kept silent, knowing John sure as hell, wouldn't go for this kind of thing.

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