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((Art by my best friend Trashcate ilysm !!))

Stuart sat in the back of stage, picking at his bass lightly, unsure of what really to do since the gig was over for the night. He looked around the audience, that was starting to leave the Kaiserkeller.

Astrid had come up with a cold and wasn't able to attend their shows the entire week. Klaus was too busy studying. And Jürgen is a rare occurrence at the Kaiserkeller.

Stuart sighed and began to stand up, putting his bass guitar into it's case. He took off his glasses, cleaned them off with the hem of his shirt, then slipped them back on.

He hopped off the stage and began looking for John or George. Stu sighed as he exited the club, and no luck of finding any of his friends. He dug in his pocket for a cigarette but found none.

Stuart huffed and began making his way to the Bambi Kino to rest.

"Stu! Stuart!" He heard a frantic voice call to him from behind. Stuart turned around to see John running after him. Stuart smiled and they greeted each other with a hug.

"I thought you ran off without me," Stuart chuckled before pressing a kiss on John's nose. John giggled and wrapped his arms around Stu.

"I would never dream of it, love." John smiled and hugged Stuart once again.

The two made their way to the Bambi Kino, holding hands and John had laid his head on Stuart's shoulder.

They slipped off their jackets and kicked off their shoes before climbing into bed. Stuart laid on the top bunk of their bed and John joined him, laying his head on Stu's chest.

Stuart sighed and he ran his fingers through John's hair.

John smiled and nuzzled Stuart's chest.

"You fucking queer," Stu chuckled as he glanced down at John.

John smiled, looking up at the other man. He pecked Stu's lips as he felt Stu's fingers graze his back. John cupped his face and deepened the kiss and Stuart wrapped his arms around John.

Soon they were moaning and rolling on the bed before John ended up being the one laying on his back as Stuart kissed his neck.

John ran his hand through Stuart's hair as he slipped off his glasses and put them on his own face. John grinned and Stu's heart melted.

"You're so cute," Stuart cooed before kissing John's lips softly.

"You're so gay," John muttered as Stu took his glasses back and tossed them into his bag on the floor.

They connected like magnets as they continued kissing and grinding on each other. John's fingers ran through Stuart's fringe, messing it up that would be beyond fixing.

Stuart began undoing his own trousers and John blushed, letting out a small gasp.

"What?" Stu looked up to, very disheveled and a hot mess. Stuart rarely got like this, as he usually was very quiet and down to earth. Now he was about to go down on John.

John stuttered," I,,this is gonna sound stupid considering how bisexual I am but, ,I've never done this before. With a guy." John's face turned noticeably red, despite the low light in their bedroom.

"Neither have I, man." Stuart smiled and captured John in a kiss. He shimmied off his trousers and threw them into his back with his glasses.

John wrapped his arms around Stuart's neck and closed his eyes, feeling Stu start undoing his leather trousers.

Stuart practically tore them off, along with his own shirt. Stu lay in between John's legs, hovering above him and staring into John's dark, but still soft, eyes.

"I,,,I,," was all John could mutter as Stuart slipped off his boxers. He was a nervous, gay mess who was blushing terribly, not really knowing what to do or say. Stuart leaded and began touching John. Not the first time they've seen each other nude but this time, it was a very different situation.

John moaned as he felt Stuart's skillful hands touch his now erect member and he threw his head back. Stu began kissing up John's neck and jawline.

Stuart hastily removed his hand from John and threw off his own boxers and sitting up. He ran his hand down John's chest, making him shiver.

"Your hands are kinda cold, Stu." John muttered.

"Maybe you outta warm them up," Stu replied, smiling.

"How would you like me to do so?"

"Holding them, if that's doable."

They shared a soft kiss and John cupped Stu's thin hands in his own. Stuart instinctively bucked his hips as they kiss deepened and he licked his tongue into John's mouth. John moaned and intertwined his fingers with Stuart's.

Stuart pulled away and looked into John's eyes.

"Can I,,,?" Stuart bit his lip and asked almost shyly.

John's blush return strong and he nodded. They closed their eyes and kissed passionately as John spread his legs and Stu positioned himself.

Stuart pushed himself into John as gently and slowly as he could, pulling away from the kiss and gazing at John, looking for any signs of discomfort.

John squeezed his eyes shut and held Stuart's hands tightly.

"We,,,we shoulda used a condom or something," John grunted as Stu began to move his hips at a slow pace.

"Paul burned the last one, I reckon," Stu breathed.

John began to snort and giggle. He started full out laughing and Stuart sat up, joining him. They were both were in hysterics, forgetting what their original goal of that night was.

John calmed down, noticeably more relaxed as he bit his lip and rolled his hips. Stu leaned over and kissed John's neck softly.

John moaned quietly as he felt Stuart begin to thrust again. They moved in unison, clutching each other's hands and savoring the moment.

John began to pant. He and Stuart soon orgasmed at nearly the same time, letting out muffled moans as they kissed deeply.

Stuart quickly pulled out and ran his hand through his fringe. He sighed at gazed at John. John smiled and kissed Stuart's cheek softly.

"Wow John,,that was,,," Stuart began, looking around, a bright blush covering his face.

"Yeah, it was," John breathed, still holding onto Stu's hands. He kissed Stuart's knuckles and smiled.

Stuart yawned and laid on his side next to John. John pulled a sheet over he and Stu and found himself asleep quickly after settling down.

This is a gays only event go homeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora