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"Paul,,I'm,,I'm really unsure about this," John gave Paul worried eyes as he tugged at his skirt. He stood by the doorway, wearing tight grey dress, fishnet stockings, and high heels. John hated every minute of it. He hated tight clothes and desperately wanted to wear a loose button up instead of this stupid dress.

"Oh you'll be fine, babe!" Paul called from their bedroom, then appeared, dressed the suit he wore daily. John huffed and began to open the door. Paul stopped him by putting his hands on John's waist from behind.

"You look lovely in that dress, Johnny" Paul cooed in John's ear in a low tone. John shivered and began walking away out side, getting away from Paul's grasp.

Paul chuckled and followed John outside. He practically sprinted to the car and opened the door for John.

"After you, my dear," Paul smiled his McCharmly smile as John got into the car.

"Faggot," John retorted as Paul slammed the door. Paul got into the driver's seat and turned on the car. He glanced behind him, then at John.

"W-what?" John stuttered defensively, a blush forming on his cheeks. He turned his head away from and looked out the window. Paul half smiled and put the car in reverse, then driving off.

John held his legs together, trying not to look slutty, for lack of a better word, and receive a comment from Paul. Paul was a freaky fuck and was into this kind of stuff, whereas John wasn't at all. He sighed and glanced at the man driving.

"Just try to have fun, ok John?" Paul stated, without taking his eyes off of the road.

"I'll try," John muttered a reply and leaned his head by the window. He felt Paul's nimble hand touch his knee and John flinched.

"You do look really beautiful, babe." Paul smiled and rubbed John's knee. John huffed, his face getting a bit red, and crossed his leg over the other.

Paul chuckled then pulled into a driveway behind a brightly lit building that was surrounded by dark and eerie looking buildings. John's breath hitched and felt utterly clueless on to what Paul planned for that evening.

"Its gay bar," Paul said nonchalant, getting out of the car.

"I,,,,,ok then," was all John could say as this whole endeavour had caught him off guard. He got out of the car too, slamming the door and walking besides Paul. Paul locked the car door and wrapped his arm around John's waist.

The two walked into the entrance of the bar and was greeted by an obnoxious and scantily dressed, muscular man.

John inched away from him and let Paul do the talking as John seated himself in one of the booths. He sat shyly, with his legs close together and looking around anxiously. Without Paul, he knew men would try to hit in him, and he was kind of afraid.

The bar was brightly lit but had a smoky atmosphere and the lingering smell of strong alcohol. It made John feel very on edge

Paul returned and seated himself next to John, wrapping an arm around his waist again.

"Ok so, ,why are we here?" John sighed and looked into Paul's eyes, giving him a very solemn look.

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