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John's p.o.v

Brian and I walked along the quiet beach, our hands brushing every few minutes, leaving us both blushing messes, I could only suspect. We were good friends. A plus since Brian was the manager of my band, The Beatles. You might have heard of them, I dunno.

Brian was a very intellectual man, keen on the theatrics and record selling. A very clean man. But the thing that put people off when it comes to Brian is that, ,well, he's gay. Yeah big newsflash.

And the thing about this trip to Spain with him was well,,,I'm gay too. Half gay at least. I still love and adore tits. But like, have ya lads tried cock. It's astounding, I must admit.

God, that sounded queer. FUCK-

Ahem. Anyways. Brian and I are very good mates and I never really suspected he would like me. I mean I'm kind of a piece of shit yknow. And Brian's nice and understanding. He's realistic but in a positive way. He sees the silver lining in everything. What the hell did he see in me?

So there we were, walking to the small hotel along the beach. The sun was up, very different setting than what we were used to in Liddypol. Both dress shirt and shorts clad, as I was too afraid to get me only good trousers sandy.

Brian and I chatted very lively until we reached the porch of the hotel, where we both fell silent. We checked in and made our way to our shared hotel room. We didn't share beds, mind you.

I flopped on my bed, taking off me sunglasses and replacing them with my regular horn- rimmed glasses I hate.

"You look good," I heard Brian chuckle to himself, as if my wearing glasses was an in joke or something.

"Brian please, that's gay," I sneered and reached for a magazine on the nightstand next to me. I flipped through it as I heard Brian sit on my bed.

I glanced at him then returned to me magazine. He decided it would be ok to lay beside me and look at the mag with me. I mean I didn't mind but he could've at least asked.

I felt him mess with the loose strands of me hair I've been growing out for that damn Beatles haircut. He smiled to himself and seemed to be blushing.

"What're you thinkin' 'bout, Eppy?" I half smiled and set me magazine down. He sighed and sat up.

"Nothing much, really. I just really adore you, John," he smiled and ran his hand through me fringe. I didn't even react. Did I like the queer attention? I guess??

"Hm. I adore you too, Eppy." I smiled to humor him. He seemed to enjoy that thought and stared into my eyes. There was nothing else to look at so I gazed into his brown eyes as well.

They say eyes are the window to the soul. And I could definitely see into Bri's soul that day. Not to sound sappy but I could see the hesitation. But admiration in his eyes. This would be the first time in a long while Brian got to be his fag self with a boy he liked.

"Hi," I smiled sheepishly. He smiled back, but he was hiding something I was sure of it.



"May I kiss y-you?"

"Well, fuck, sure."

And Brian was kissing me. Not a small peck like you give the boy you're maybe in love with. No, he gave me a longing kiss. Like he's been wanting to snog me for decades. And I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

I sat up and cupped his face, kissing back. Things escalated pretty quickly for these two fucking queers, I'll admit.

I soon found myself sprawled on the bed, moaning and panting like a bitch as Brian jacked off my cock. He teased me constantly, finding it pretty hot probably, touching only my tip and muttering very very gay things to me that I'd rather not explain.

"Oh for Christ's sakes Brian. Just stick it up me fucking arse!"  I was becoming impatient. And very gay.

Eppy cleared his throat and removed his hand from my cock.

"Actually I, ,uh don't do that sort of thing." He stated.

I frowned.

"What is it you like to do then?" I said in a mockingly tone that got a chuckle from him.

"Well ,,,I'd really just like to touch you, John." Brian stuttered. He glanced at me.

"Is that all, really?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow. "Eppy, sweetie, you're much too gay for just that." I chuckled.

Before I knew it, I was moaning again as Brian sucked me off. He was pretty good for a faggot. Wait a sec-

"Oh fuck Eppy,,I'm fucking close," I couldn't help but to moan as he licked up my dick, like a bloody bastard.

He licked me one more time and I came like a bitch, moaning and grabbing the bedsheets. Fuck I really hope no one heard me somewhere else in the hotel.

He got off of me finally, after cleaning up the mess if you catch me drift, and laid next to me, pulling a blanket over the both of us.

"You fucking queer," I muttered as I buried my face in his clothed chest and he simply chuckled, petting my hair. 

"We'll never speak of this again, right?" I asked much later that night, when we started wanking each other off again.

He nodded and came in my hand. I grinned.

And we never told a soul.

Wait is this reco-

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