My Knight?

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I struggled and clawed at the person's hand that was clutching my hair. I let out a brief scream and I feel someone start pulling the person off me. I turned around and tackled the person who had tried to kidnap me. Finally, we had him pinned down and I looked down and pulled off his mask to find a person I had never met before. "Are you alright flower?" I felt my stomach turn inside out when I looked up to see who helped me only to find it to be Vaati. "Why are you here?" "I happened to be walking by when I heard you scream so I came to save you. Isn't this the part where you kiss your handsome knight?" "Yeah tell me where he is and I might," I responded coldly. I hear the front door slam and looked behind me to see Draven running over to me. "Are you okay? Wait... Vaati what are you doing here?" "Me? I was saving your girlfriend from a mugger. I would have thought you had that one covered. Is she not as important as the others?" "Shut up," Draven growled.

I walk away as they both continue to argue I was going to call the police but when I got back the mugger was nowhere to be found. "Where did that guy go?" Draven looked at me and then at the ground where the man was lying moments before. He looked like he was trying to come up with an excuse. "You know what! Never mind I am tired and hungry and I don't feel like dealing with any of this right now. By the way, where did Vaati go?" "I am right behind you Babe." I nearly jump when he shows up behind me. "Get off my lawn before I call the police on a creepy guy in my driveway," I nearly shout at him! "Now is that any way to treat..." Draven strolled over to me his eyes full of hatred and his fists doubled up. "You heard her leave." For a moment Vaati looked surprised then he grabbed my hand and kissed it before I could react. "W-what the. Hey!" My face turned a light pink and I pulled my hand away. Draven swung at Vaati but he blocked his punch by grabbing Draven's fist. He looked me in the eye and said, "See you around." With that, he walked away smiling back at me. Draven was shaking with anger and I was still a little bit stunned. He looked down at me and said, "Keep away from him or else." Was that a threat? "Thanks but I can handle myself." Draven grabbed my hand and pulled me inside slamming the door. He then stormed off leaving me in the kitchen to eat my food alone. What a fantastic night I was having.

The next morning was a Saturday to my relief. I still had to go to work but till then I could sleep in... Is what I wish I could have said. I had to wake up with everyone else which was 7:00 because Odran wanted to know what the heck happened last night. Of course, they were all mad and stuff but I was too tired to care. I left out the weird hand kissing part though. I was still very confused about that. Draven was scowling in the corner all day and honestly, I was still mad about his outburst. So I left him to pout in the corner. I mean I didn't belong to him. Once or twice he tried to do things to get my attention but I ignored him. Seriously, it was kind of pathetic he was like a dog begging for attention. I didn't have time to give it to him though because I had work today. I put on my uniform and I walked out the door. Surprisingly Draven was standing there waiting for me. I ignored him and keep walking down the sidewalk while he followed behind me quietly. "What do you want?" I asked tired of his silence. "I wanted to walk you to work." He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. "Remember who you belong to." I wanted to slap him for that. "Last I checked I didn't belong to anyone." The tone of my voice was cold and had begun to fill with anger. He looked a little hurt by what I just said and loosened the hold on my hand. I shoved myself away from him and stomped down the next few blocks to work. Where once again Vaati waited. I didn't care I told my manager I had to use the bathroom and I went there to cry.

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